About advertising texts


About advertising texts

— Title.
No one cares about a simple title. The title is the most basic and integral part of the text. It is like the foundation of a house, if you build it crookedly or poorly, the house is comfortable. The title should attract attention, it should be short.

— Tag-title.
This is a 1-2 line sentence below the title. You need to make the reader more interested in it. If you post a tikka ad, don't expect the post to be read to the end.

— About the channel and what is the benefit of the subscription?
What's more in Telegram? (http://t.me/rocketive) There are many channels. Which one should I subscribe to? That's what this channel is all about. What do we benefit from subscribing to it? Write these down.

— Picture
The final picture. Hello everyone, except for those who prepare the picture first and then write the text. Prepare the image based on the text, if you know how to work in Photoshop. If not, freepik will help you. Throw away long and short images.


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