Ways of interconnection of parts of description, recommendation texts


Ways of interconnection of parts of description, recommendation texts
Organizational part
a) The teacher greets the students
     b) Inspects the classroom and takes attendance
II Asking for homework
Homework is done orally, that is, students talk about the material they have researched.
III Concentration of thinking ( mental on the topics covered
  1. Munshi is….
  2. List the main essential parts of a telegram?
  3. What type of document is written about the family situation and family members
  4. What is an application and how to write it
  5. List the types of personal documents
  6. What are the lexical stylistic features of descriptive text
IV New topic statement
The description is an official document that reflects the specific characteristics and qualities of a certain person's work, social activity.
It is appropriate to familiarize students with this important type of work paper in the process of studying the series "Quality".
Because adjectives are used a lot in such texts. While reflecting the study or work activities of a classmate (friend), his/her unique feelings and qualities, the student acquires the skills of correct and effective use of feelings.
In order to write a description to a classmate or his peers, the student needs information about the person being described (name, patronymic and family name, year of birth, nationality, class, community assignment performed in class or school), his academic and social work activities, credibility. , moral qualities, organization, etc. must be known.
The descriptive text can be divided into three logically interconnected components.
  1. Information is provided about the study activity of the described person (student) (his/her relationship to the subjects he/she studies at school, increasing his/her knowledge, his/her responsibility for studying at the advanced level)
  2. The social activity of the described person (behavior; participation in public affairs; appeal to classmates; family life; how he spends his free time after school, etc.) is shown:
  3. From the statements of the author (reader), it is shown what the purpose of the description is. you can start writing the description only after collecting the necessary information. The recommendation, like the description, is important in the development of students' speech. Recommendations are similar to descriptions in some respects. In both of them, Ulafr's personality traits are expressed: interest, talent, ability to think, hard work, ability to work independently. But in the letter of recommendation, in addition to thinking about the characteristics of a person, confidence is expressed and recommended in the performance of a certain task. A recommendation is an official document recommending a person to a certain position or to become a member of a social or political organization. The main difference between a recommendation and a description is that in the description all the positive and negative characteristics of the person are returned. In the recommendations, along with showing his positive characteristics, he expresses confidence and recommends that he will be able to perform the task that will be assigned to him later. Submission of various awards is also a recommendation letter. The main necessary parts of a recommendation letter
  4. The name of the document
  5. matn
  6. Name, position, position, family of the person giving the recommendation
  7. Signature
  8. Sana
В Independent work. A question is asked about a new topic. educational
tasks are given to children and groups and they perform them.
  1. What is the purpose of the description
  2. From which word groups when creating a description
  3. Divide the descriptive text into several components that use mutual logic
  4. In what ways is a recommendation similar to a letter of recommendation?
  5. What is the purpose of the recommendation?
VI Consolidation of a new topic
  1. Compose the text of the description
  2. Compilation of the text of the recommendation
VII Conclusion
Students who actively participate in the lesson are encouraged. Students who participate passively will be given a warning.
VIII Homework
Speaking exercises (methodical guide) A. Gulomov, B. Qabulova "Teacher" publishing house, 1995, read pages 104-107. Compile and write the text of the description and recommendation.

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