Is it possible to develop the ability to remember?


Is it possible to develop the ability to remember?

"Yes, it will." Our memory has the ability to store an unlimited amount of data. The more we exercise, the stronger our memory becomes.

Counting is a good exercise to strengthen memory. This is an effective method, and numbers from 1 to 20 or 20 to 1 should be counted in parallel. For example: 1, 20, 2, 19, 3, 18, and so on.

Hand exercise is one of the useful ways to improve memory is to do arm exercise. Right-handed people are required to use the right hand more often, while left-handed people are required to use the left hand more often. With such exercise, the functioning of the brain is enhanced.

Grape juice - if we add grape juice to our diet, our memory activity improves by 20%. Only it should be black grapes. This juice contains a lot of antioxidants that rejuvenate brain cells.