Dust instrument


History of the CHANG musical instrument
According to written sources, since the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, the sound of "chang" began to occupy a certain place in our musical life. Until then, the phrase "chang" in Uzbek and Tajik music culture means a completely different tune, a modern European harp that is widely used in our country, and it is a small sample of the modern European harp. For example, the phrase "dust" in Alisher Navoi's great work "Khamsa" in the epic "Sabbai Sayyor" means a harp-like instrument, more precisely, a hand harp, and it is no coincidence that female characters like Dilorom are depicted as its skilled performers. did not happen. Harp-like dust typical of those times was used almost as one of the instruments belonging to women even in the centuries before our era. But after the XNUMXth century, this hand-harp began to leave performance and was replaced by a trapeze-shaped wind instrument, which is played with special sticks.
In the treatise of Darvish Ali Changi, who lived and worked in the XNUMXth century, he not only dwells on the theory of music, but also dwells on the tanbur, chan, flute and kanun, which are the musical instruments of various eras and the court.
He compares words to each other and calls dust "the bride of words".
Darvish Ali - ibn Mirza Ali-ibn Khoja Mahmud - Marvarid was a skilled performer of this song. He loved dust from a young age and later gained fame. Maulana Zainuluddin Rumi was another skilled skier of this period.
Darvish Ali said that he created a lot of peshras and melodies. The most prominent of them were 3 peshravs:
The first: Donation. It includes the veils of Hosseini's status.
Second: Beard. Created on the basis of Iraqi status curtains.
The third: Peshravi-Ufor. It consists of the rooms of Hosseini's status.
And Darvish Ali Changi writes about the origin of Changi in ancient times: chang is an ancient word that was used in a very large area from Mesopotamia to China. In Bukhara (XNUMXth century), Abdullah Khan's contemporary, Khojai Kalon (the Great Khoja, Sheikh Khoja Sa'd), who was from the Shaibani family, fell ill. The physician Sultan Muhammad treats him and recommends listening to dust exercises to overcome the patient. Khoja Sa'd invites Darvish Ali to his presence. Darvish Ali dusted under Sa'd for three months. The owner will recover completely.
Once upon a time, during the time of the great Nushiravon (531-579), there lived a famous dustman, Piri Changchi. Iran falls into the hands of the Arabs, after which Caliph Umar persecutes Iranian music. Piri Changchi was upset that he was not needed by anyone and went to Medina to visit Yasrab's grave. He puts the dust by his side and begins to lament: "I have always played for you, now I have come to play for you for the last time because I am being persecuted. I'm asking you for one thing, if only they give me the right for my silk strings", crying and sighing heavily, he performs his last exercise. He puts the dust on his head and falls asleep. At that time, a voice came to Caliph Umar from nowhere: "We have a friend, he is near the grave of Yasrab." Take 700 dinars from the treasury to that person. If he has trouble, let him visit again." Umar takes 700 dinars and goes to his grave. There was no one there but Piri Changi. While he is wondering, Changi wakes up. Umar gives him 700 dinars and says: "Allah has recognized you as his friend, and I am also your friend." If you have a problem, come to me. He says, "Your singing has captivated the Lord." Famous Persian poet Jalaluddin Rumi (1273) also wrote poems about this event.
Chan- a type of harp used in the past. It is spread among the peoples of Central Asia and other countries of the East. Its oldest surviving image dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, and the angular type was used in the territories of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the 14th century. Georgians call it ayume in new Abkhaz, and duadastanon and hak in Ajars. Multi-string percussion. Its type known as santur is said to have been played by Darveshali Changi for the first time in Central Asia. The current powder structure, which is widely used in Uzbekistan, is in the form of a trapezoidal box, and the base of the speaker is 13 wires. Of these 40, there are three of them, only one thick tori is single. The total number of strings reaches XNUMX. They are divided into two groups. Chang has a sonorous term, and its dynamic range is very wide, from a very slow pianissimo to a very strong forte. Different performance styles are widely used in Chang - along with tremolo, which is created by successively hitting the sticks with the strings, pizzicato-like scratching with close sticks, and staccato plucking of the strings with sticks. Chandan is mainly used as a solo voice, and also as an accompanying voice among ensembles. In many nations, dust has different names and they have certain facts. Various types of powder such as powder tenor, powder, bass have also been created.

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