Nourishing products that cleanse the body


Nourishing products that cleanse the body

Cabbage: Contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which binds heavy metals and toxins and helps to remove them from the intestine.

Beets: they contain dietary fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids, which improve the movement of food in the intestines and kill bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Garlic: A slice of garlic contains more than 400 nutrients. They reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and strengthen blood vessels.

Onion: its main useful substance is phytoncides, which are found in essential oils. These substances have the property of killing many bacteria and fungi in a matter of seconds.

Apples: due to pectin and dietary fiber, apples normalize the activity of the entire digestive system - they bind toxins, improve appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice.


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