Navrozi poems about the world


Soon Navruz
Soon nastarin blooms cucumbers,
The fragrance that took my mind to heaven.
Sunny dew falls in the morning.
Wash the dust of winter in the hearts.
Soon the swallow will return,
On the apricot kings,
The cranes sing the ancient song,
Sumalak cooks until dawn.
Soon the tulips trembled like kisses,
Munis stare at the majesty of the mountains,
A few more lovers cried,
They light a fire in each other's arms.
Winter is helpless as my day,
It's still snowing,
A melody is wounded, The Sun is a composer,
Soon it will be Navruz, soon it will be Navruz!

Happy Navruz
Ailaban tf-u karam,
Navruz has come.
Tumor pencil,
Navruz has come.
Awakening of a strange feeling,
Singing of streams.
Singing savtu ajam,
Happy Navruz!

Happy New Year…
Extraordinary flowers bloom, fragrant,
The gentle breeze spreads the tongue
Early in the morning the birds chirped
I miss you so much.
Chuchmomayu, chamomile spread on the ground
Let your ditches be saturated with water
Let my old grandmothers be happy
I miss you so much.
Let almonds and apricots bloom
Let the leaves chase the clouds one by one
Let the fire burn under the sumacs
I miss you so much.
You are the one my farmer in the field has been waiting for
You are the one who crossed the snowy peaks
You are the one who wrote the bytes to my heart
I miss you so much.

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