Strong poisons


Interesting information

? Strong poisons.

? Poison is a chemical or biological substance that causes drastic changes in the human body.

? Mercury

It was known in BC that the vapors of this liquid metal were acutely toxic. The Chinese emperor made a mercury lake on the tomb of Xin Shin Huang. Whoever entered this hut died without a word. It's time to give up symbolic thermometers, dear ones! (If you have good thermometers, write to me)

? Amatoxin

? Toxic substance released from fungi. These mushrooms are called forest rangers. Tourists visiting the forest have mysteriously perished. The reason is amatoxin in white mushrooms.

? Ritsin.

One of the poisons that has no antidote. An antidote is a substance that breaks down a poison by sending an antidote after it has been poisoned. This substance is present in the Kanakunjut plant. Do not sow if possible. Beware of children if you grow up.

? Botulotoxin.

? The most powerful poison. One test botulinum toxin can kill 100 people. There are people who get serious problems after the injection if the cosmetologist is not qualified when doing Botox. Lives in canned and sausage products. It is one of the three strongest poisons in the world. Be careful, dear ones.

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