Where is the sanatorium where the family can rest?


Where is the sanatorium where the family can rest?

In the mountains of Tibet! The Tibet Sanatorium, located here, has all the amenities for customers:

1. Therapy Treatment
2. Complete blood test, ultrasound and electrocardiogram (ECG)
3. European, Turkish and Chinese cuisine
4. Possibility to have an outdoor picnic with a barbecue
5. Hot mineral water: affects the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal system
7. Massage for 1 hour every day
8. Physiotherapy
9. Balneology divided into paraffin therapy with ozokerite, pearl baths and underwater massages

Manzil: Toshkent viloyati, Tibet tog’lari (Chimyonga yetmasdan) (https://www.google.com/maps/dir//TIBET+MOUNTAINS,+Beldersay/@41.4993718,69.9703175,14z/data=!4m7!4m6!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x38af0d32fc1eb751:0x7786c2750c6a1400!3e0)

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