The 40 largest European countries by area (km²/mi²):


The 40 largest European countries by area (km²/mi²):

1.🇷🇺 Russia: 3,952,550 km² (1,526,090 mi²)
2.🇺🇦 Ukraine: 603 (549)
3. France: 543 (941)
4.🇪🇸 Spain: 498 (485)
5. 🇸🇪 Sweden: 438 (574)
6. 🇩🇪 Germany: 357 (581)
7. 🇫🇮 Finland: 336 (884)
8. 🇳🇴 Norway: 323 (772)
9.🇵🇱 Poland: 312 (679)
10.🇮🇹 Italy: 301 (958)
11.🇬🇧 United Kingdom: 244,367 (94,354)
12.🇷🇴 Romania: 238 (298)
13.🇧🇾 Belarus: 207 (600)
14. 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan: 148 (000)
15. 🇬🇷 Greece: 131 (957)
16.🇧🇬 Bulgaria: 110 (372)
17. 🇮🇸 Iceland: 103 (000)
18.🇭🇺 Hungary: 93 (025)
19.🇵🇹 Portugal: 91 (421)
20.🇦🇹 Austria: 83 (878)
21. 🇨🇿 ​​Czech Republic: 78 (871)
22.🇷🇸 Serbia: 77 (589)
23. 🇮🇪 Ireland: 69 (825)
24.🇱🇹 Lithuania: 65 (286)
25.🇱🇻 Latvia: 64 (594)
26.🇭🇷 Croatia: 56 (594)
27.🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina: 51 (209)
28.🇸🇰 Slovakia: 49 (035)
29.🇪🇪 Estonia: 45 (399)
30.🇩🇰 Denmark: 42 (947)
31. 🇳🇱 Netherlands: 41 (543)
32.🇨🇭 Switzerland: 41 (291)
33. 🇲🇩 Moldova: 33 (847)
34.🇧🇪 Belgium: 30,528 (11,787)
35. 🇦🇱 Albania: 28 (748)
36.🇲 North🇰 Macedonia: 25 (713)
37. 🇹🇷 Turkey: 23 (757)
38.🇸🇮 Slovenia: 20273 (7827)
39.🇲🇪 Montenegro: 13888 (5362)
40.🇽🇰 Kosovo: 10910 (4210)

Note: The list is based on the territory of a country located on the European continent

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