8 ways to get rid of belly fat


We know that a lot of people today are suffering from belly fat. There is no getting rid of it. But if you follow a proper diet and follow a diet, you can get rid of it for a lifetime.
  1. Start your day with lemon juice. This is the perfect treatment to lose fat. Add the lemon juice to a glass of warm water, mix with a little salt. Keep drinking every morning and help yourself get rid of these fats.
  2. Protect yourself from white rice, eat a variety of wheat products instead. Including grain products such as red rice, red bread (mill bread), cereals, oats.
  3. Beware of sugary products. Avoid sweets, sugary drinks and fatty products. These products contribute greatly to the development of fat in you, so consume less.
  4. Drink as much water as possible. Water is a great help in losing fats.
  5. Eat steamed garlic. Eat a garden garlic every morning and drink a glass of lemon juice, this diet will double the speed of getting rid of fats.
  6. Eat more vegetables and greens. Avoid foods without vegetables and greens as much as possible. Because greens and vegetables will saturate you with minerals and vitamins.
  7. Eat more fruits. Remember to eat fruit every morning and before bed.
  8. Use less spices and peppers when eating. Use daily, including ginger, cumin, black pepper. These help you produce insulin and lower your blood sugar.
Source: http://www.ideadigezt.com

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