Can we study Friday in our own home?


Assalamu alaykum. It has been announced by the Muftiate that tomorrow’s Friday prayers will not be held due to the coronavirus, and instead everyone should perform the noon prayer at home. Can we perform Friday prayers at home as a congregation?
These days, international and local fatwa associations and clerics in most Muslim countries have decided not to gather in mosques to save the lives of Muslims, and to pray at home until the danger is over. They were reminded that there were sufficient grounds for this and that the matter was serious. The fatwa of the Council of Ulema of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan also states that the noon prayer will be performed at home instead of the Friday prayer.
According to our jurisprudential sources, for the Friday prayer to be valid, the Friday prayer must have the general permission (permission of the people) by the head of state or his deputy, and the Friday prayer must be performed by a person appointed by the mufti. So, when performing the Friday prayer at home, these conditions are not found, and as a result, the prayer is not valid. The scholar Mulla Ali Qari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
 (Wạlại̹dẖ̊nu ạlʿāmũ) ạ̉y wsẖrṭ lạ̉dạỷhạ ạlạ̹dẖn ạlʿạm̃ lạ̉nhạ mn sẖʿạỷr ạlạ̹slạm ، fyjb ạ̹qạmthạ ʿly̱ wjh ạlạsẖthạr byn ạ
that is, “General permission (public permission) is required to perform the Friday. Because Friday is one of the slogans of Islam. It must be made public among the people ”(Fathu Babil Inaya).
Ibn 'Abidin (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Ạl̊ại̹dẖ̊nu ạl̊ʿāmũ wahūa ạản̊ tuf̊taḥa ạảb̊wābu ạl̊jāmiʿi wayū̊̉dẖana lilnãạsi ، ḥatãy laẘ ạj̊tamaʿat̊ jamāʿaẗuⁿ fī ạl̊jāmiʿi āảả
that is, “General permission is to open a mosque and allow people to enter. Even if a congregation gathers in a mosque and closes the door and performs the Friday prayer, their prayers will not be valid ”(Raddul Mukhtar).
It should be noted that in this case, it is stated that even if a person enters a mosque and performs Friday prayers on his own, without the general permission, his prayers will not be valid.
In conclusion, in the current situation, we should all be united, follow the instructions of our Shari'a, and try to pass the tests of Allah in a beautiful way. Let us multiply the deeds that are pleasing to Allah, such as supererogatory prayers, recitation of the Qur'an, supplications, and giving alms to those who are in difficult circumstances. Let us consider the test that has befallen us as an opportunity to do good. May Allah grant us the opportunity to perform prayers in virtuous, large congregations in the near future and restore peace to our people. May Allah keep the Muslims of the world, including our people, away from various calamities! Amen! Vallohu a'lam.
Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan
fatwa board.

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