About Chingiz Aytmatov's work and the novel "The Day of the Age".


About Chingiz Aytmatov's work and the novel "The Day of the Age".
1. Definition and similarities of the images of Sobitjon and Jolomon.
2. Description of Edigei Storm image.
3. Description of Naiman's image of mother.
Chingiz Aitmatov began his literary career by writing short stories. In 1957-1958, Chingiz Aitmatov's short stories "Face to Face" and "Jamila" were published. Chingiz Aitmatov's works have been translated into 191 languages ​​and are among the masterpieces of world classics. There is a work that talks about spiritual and moral problems that concern not only one nation but the whole humanity. This work is the novel "Asrga tatiguik kun". that Naiman expressed in an incomparable way in the image of the mother's tragedy.
In this novel, there are two characters that show similarities with each other. They are: Sobitjon and Jolomon. Both of these characters are depicted as manqurts in the work. there is only an appearance, but human qualities are alien to him. Joloman does not even know his mother who gave birth to him, he does not know his father who loved Joloman more than his life, he cannot even remember his own name. Such people are called manqurt. Manqurt is considered a slave. Lomon never demands his freedom. The words family and parents are alien to him.
Manqurts are just like street animals, they live only with stomach pain. As for Sobitjon, he has not lost his memory like Jolomon. He is a modern manqurt. He does not know his history, he is devoid of human feelings, he does not despise national customs. extremely dangerous manqurt. Even after hearing that his father died, Sobitjon does not respect his father. On the contrary, he goes to his father's funeral only to pay off his debt. Sobitjon's father trampled on Kazangap's will and said: "Are we going to take my father so far? Such a big there is a place for one person in the desert", - shows that he is a dangerous manqurt even worse than Joloman.
☘️ @IRamond

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