How much does it cost to get married around the world?


How much does it cost to get married around the world?

Wedding is the biggest and most expensive event in everyone's life. The cost of holding a wedding depends on the region and the individual.

Below we are interested in the cost of wedding in different countries:

— $157 in the UAE. The reason for the high price is due to the pressure of society and high social standards.

- In Australia, a simple "I agree" is worth $55.

— The average wedding in Great Britain is about $30.

— USA. The most expensive place in the country to raise a family is Manhattan, with an average price of $76;

— Spain $15;
— Russia $13;
— China $11;
— Mexico $7200;

The cheapest wedding is in Mauritius for only $450. In addition, this Island off the coast of Madagascar is full of great places for the ceremony itself and wedding photo sessions.

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