James Fenimore Cooper


James Fenimore Cooper

James Cooper was an American writer born on September 1789, 15 in Burlington.

His first novel - "Caution" was written in 1820. The historical adventure novel "Spy" about the history of the American Revolution, written in 1821, brought Cooper great fame. Cooper has 32 novels, more than 10 volumes of travelogues and several volumes of nonfiction.

The life and patriotism of the American Indians who fought against the whites were described in novels such as "The Last Mohican" (1826), "Desert" (1827), "Izquvar" (1840), "Chingachkuk - a huge snake" (1840).

The novels "The Pilot" (1823), "The Siege of Boston" (1825) are devoted to the adventures of sailors.

Historical novels:

■ "Beat your blood" 1831
■ "Heidenmauer or Benedictines" 1832
■ "Abbey of the Executioner and Vineyards" 1833
■ "Monikins" 1835

The works of Cooper, who made a great contribution to the development of American literature, have been translated into many languages, and movies have been made based on them.


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