What is the purpose of making money?


What is the purpose of making money?

- Why do you work with some people? I say. They say, "I have a lot of money." Why do you want to have a lot of money? I say. And they remain silent.

Do you know why?

- Because the purpose is not clear. The purpose of making money is not to make money. In fact, making money is an argument. The higher goal is something else.

📍What is the value of a higher goal?
• Never aim for the little things. For example: I will buy a Malibu, I will build a Dacha, I will build a plot, etc. Instead of building a company that will compete with Google, I will build a car brand that will produce premium cars for our people and sell them cheaply and expensively abroad. These and similar goals are worldly higher.

Ps For what purpose would you like to have a lot of money?
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