Standardization, its goals and tasks


Standardization, its goals and tasks
  • 1. Standardization qisqAcha history.
  • 2. Goals and objectives of standardization.
  • 3. Standardization sohbasic terms and concepts in.
  • 4. Standard types and categories.
  • 5. Dates of development of standardization in Uzbekistan.
         Basic phrases: standard, standardization, international standardization, regional standardization, national standardization, international standard, regional standard, interstate standard, national standard, enterprise standard, management document, technical conditions, instruction.
6.1. A brief history of standardization
There are many different terms in the field of standardization. The process of reducing the number of different items, their descriptions, methods and designations is called differently in different countries. For example, this process is called "Standardization" in the USA and England, "Normung" in Germany and "Normalisation" in France. If the names of standardization organizations are compared, then most European organizations use the words "Normlien" (Switzerland), "Normalisatie" (Netherlands), etc. in their names. All mentioned foreign terms are translated into English by the term "Standardization" and into Italian by the term "Unificazione".
At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the term "normalization" was used in Russia alone, and it is still used in the engineering industry.
         The human society's need to "set and enforce rules" arose in ancient times. The alphabet, annual accounts, accounting systems (sistem otscheta), money and weight units are all the first steps towards standardization.
Historians believe that standardization-based engineering began in Ancient Egypt during the construction of the pyramids (about 5000 years ago). The stones used for construction had certain exact dimensions, without which the correct geometric shape of the ehrams and their long preservation over the centuries would not have been possible. These devices, which have survived for about 50 centuries and have come down to us, are made with very high quality and precision. The stones are processed with such precision that it is impossible to pass a thin needle between them.
90 mln. more than 85 bricks were used, at the same time, binding material (asphalt) was used in their construction. The 15th upper floor of the tower was covered with glazed blue bricks, the construction of which required not only compliance with the standard requirements of dimensions, but also the development of a set of rules for the preparation method and compliance with these rules.
Standardization was used in ancient Egyptian military techniques. For example, 4200 years ago, the method of relative dimensions was used in the design and production of military machines of that time - catapults, in which the dimensions of all parts of the catapult were based on one main parameter, that is, the catapult. adjusted to the length of the arrow.
Standards began to be applied in the construction of large ships during the Renaissance (XV century). As a result, the production of ships was organized in the stream method.
In Russia, Ivan IV's Decree of 1535 laid the foundation for standardization. This Decree provides for the control of the dimensions of ball cores with calibers. In the middle of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the widespread use of railway transport stimulated the development of standardization. At this time, standards were developed for the distance between the railway rails, the color of the cars, the heights of the main devices, the diameters of the wheels, and the construction materials used in the construction of the railway.
The default word is English “Standard” is derived from the word standard, size, pattern shall be referred to as a normative document.
Depending on the level of standards, international, regional interstate, national and enterprise operates on the scale.
State standards are aimed at accelerating the creation and adoption of high-quality types of new products at the stage of product development and putting them into production, improving relations between producers, manufacturers and consumers.
The standardization system determines the timely issuance of high-quality design and construction documents for the new product, the preparation of the new product of the enterprise based on the given quality indicators, and, if necessary, the removal of the product from production.
         Standardization sets requirements for good order and conditions for product placement (packaging), loading and placement, storage, product quality preservation in warehouses, transportation, product distribution, and sales organizations during product circulation and sales stages.
6.2. Goals and objectives of standardization
Standardization is essentially the science of the most efficient forms of production organization.
Standardization is also a means of connecting major fields such as economics, technology, and fundamental sciences.
In many technologically advanced countries, there is a growing interest in the issues of standardization, and great attention is paid to the theory of standardization, which is its basis.
Standardization is seen as one of the most effective means of introducing standardization in technical development and production, improving product quality, reducing labor costs and material resources.
The main goals and tasks of standardization are shown in the following scheme:
6.3. Standardization sohbasic terms and concepts in
Standardization means scientific-technical activity aimed at the most optimal ranking in a certain field by setting general and multiple requirements for existing or future specific issues. This activity is manifested in the development, publication and implementation of standards and technical requirements. The important results of standardization are usually manifested in the conformity of products, processes and services to the specified task, elimination of trade barriers and assistance in scientific-technical cooperation.
Usually, the thing to be standardized (product, process, service) is understood as the object of standardization.
In order to express the concept of "object of standardization" in a broad sense, the expressions "product", "process", "service" were adopted, which means any material, components, tools - equipment, systems, their compatibility, law - should be understood as equally relevant to the rule, way of doing business, task, method or activity.
Standardization can be limited to certain aspects (properties) of any object. For example, when it comes to shoes, its size and thickness can be standardized separately.
Service as an object of standardization includes public service (including service conditions) and production service for enterprises and organizations. Other objects of standardization are determined by the State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Committee for Architecture and Construction, and the Ministry of Health.
Usually international, regional, national there are standardization bodies.
International standardization relevant agencies of all countries can freely participate in its activities.
Regional standardization means worldwide standardization in which relevant agencies of countries belonging to a single geographic or economic region can participate freely.
National standardization - this is a standardization activity carried out within a specific country.
Standardization is a normative document that includes rules, general law - rules or descriptions related to various types of activities and their results.
"Regulatory document" The term includes the concept of standards, technical conditions, as well as general instructions, guidelines and regulations.
The goals of standardization are multifaceted, and they mainly consist of: unification (managing diversity), standardization, flexibility, interoperability, health care, safety, environmental protection, product protection, improvement of economic indicators in trade, etc. A well-approached standardization can achieve one goal at the same time as achieving other goals.
In standardization conformity of the product to the task is understood as the ability of the product, process or services to perform certain tasks under the specified conditions.
Flexibility and it is understood as the suitability of products, processes or services to be used together without causing undesirable effects to fulfill the specified requirements under certain conditions.
Interchangeability - is the suitability of another item, process, service instead of using one item, process, service to fulfill the same requirements.
Managing diversity (unification or homogenization) means choosing the most optimal sizes or types of products, processes and services necessary to satisfy a particular need.
6.4. Standard types and categories
         International standard - this is a standard adopted by an international organization dealing with standardization (on standardization) and suitable for a wide range of consumers.
         Regional standard it is a document accepted by a regional organization dealing with standardization and suitable for a wide range of consumers.
Interstate standard "GOST" - this is a mandatory document adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
National standard - this is a standard accepted by a national agency dealing with standardization and suitable for a wide range of consumers.
Enterprise standard - this is a document for a product, service or process developed by the enterprise and approved by it.
There are different ways to apply standards. Within a country, standards can be created anew, and international, regional, and interstate standards can be directly applied.
         In addition to standards, there are also management documents, technical conditions, recommendations on standardization, guidelines (rules).
Management document means a regulatory document that defines the tasks, duties and rights of standardization bodies and services, the methods, procedure and content of their work or certain stages of their work.
Technical conditions (OZTSH) - this is a regulatory document specifying technical requirements for a specific product (service) approved by the manufacturer or by the customer in agreement with the customer.
         Guidelines (rules) - instruction (pravila) is a normative document that determines the content and structure of works or some of their stages.
6.5. Development dates of standardization in Uzbekistan

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