Categories of children in need of special assistance


Categories of children in need of special assistance
1. Features of the development of young infants
  1. Anomalous children in need of special assistance.
  2. Categories of abnormal children
  3. Organization of support for abnormal children
  4. Causes of anomalies
From the day the child is born, he sees, hears, touches something, feels pain, heat, smell and taste.
Tevarak begins with knowing the surrounding existence - feeling and perception, that is, with the reflection of objects and events in reality in the child's mind.
A child's perception is greatly improved in the first years of his life, and at the age of two, he begins to distinguish objects from each other by color, shape, size, distinguish a familiar tone, etc. He develops various sensory skills: seeing and examining, listening and hearing, distinguishing objects based on their external signs, and imitating what he sees and hears.
A child should receive various impressions - see objects, hold them, observe the activities of adults, hear various sounds. This is a necessary condition for children's sensory development. The timely development of sensory abilities lays the groundwork for children's mental education.
Attention, memory, desire, interest and other similar mental processes are of great importance for the child's mental development.
Timely and correct development of a child's speech is the basis of mental development. Speech is a mental process: it has a great influence on the development of perception, memory, etc., on children's activities. As children's speech begins to develop, the role of adults' words as an educational tool increases.
The formation of a child's personality begins from the first days of his life. Based on what he sees and hears every day, the child expresses his attitude towards existence and the people around him, the child's assessment of the behavior and work of adults, the happenings, his attitude towards people - all this contributes to the formation of the child's spiritual image. it's a secret.
Violation of certain conditions necessary for the child's development either in the mother's womb or after birth can lead to various anomalies, that is, physical or mental defects and deficiencies. In the field of correctional pedagogy, work is carried out on different categories of anomalous children who need special help: They are:
1) children with hearing impairments (deaf, hard-of-hearing children, children who became deaf late);
2) visually impaired (blind, visually impaired children);
3) oligophrenic (moron, imbecile, idiot children);
4) children with severe speech defects;
5) children with locomotor defects;
6) mentally retarded children.
7) deaf-mute children with complex disabilities;
Anomalous children should be brought up and educated among healthy peers in inclusive education or in special educational institutions. Only defects that strongly affect the overall development of the child can be the basis for considering him as an anomalous child. For example, if a child hears only in the left ear, but this defect does not affect his overall development, and he compares with healthy peers in the general school, he does not belong to the category of anomalous children. This person cannot be considered anomalous if the defects that appear in adults due to certain reasons do not affect their general development.
 Severe, sharp changes observed in the physical or mental development of anomalous children in need of special support have a negative impact on the formation of the child's personality. Therefore, special conditions should be created for the upbringing and education of such children, that is, they should be educated in special kindergartens and schools or among their peers with normal development and, if necessary, on the basis of special programs and textbooks. they need to be trained and educated, they need special help.
Any abnormal development may be related to organic or functional changes in the central or peripheral nervous system.
Various deficiencies in child development can also appear as a result of unfavorable environment, improper upbringing, and education. For example, unfavorable family conditions, pedagogical neglect, the teacher's wrong attitude towards the child and many other reasons have a negative impact on the child's development, causing him to be unable to integrate the program materials well and to be included among unachieving students. However, we do not include such a child in the category of anomalous children, because the defects in his development are not due to any organic or functional pathological changes in the body, but are caused by other reasons.
Educators and teachers should be able to distinguish such children from anomalous children.
Any anomalous development due to the causes of origin can be congenital or acquired in marriage.
Congenital anomalies largely depend on the health and living conditions of the expectant mother. The development of the fetus in the mother's womb can be affected by infection, intoxication, injury and other factors. It is possible for the mother to suffer from various diseases during pregnancy, to take various drugs without knowing, and to cause the child to be born abnormal.
Congenital anomalies can also be caused by genetic factors. For example, there is a violation of the function of the hearing and vision analyzer, and the transmission of intellectual disabilities from generation to generation (phenylketonuria, Down's disease, rhesus factor incompatibility, etc.) is also observed.
Parents' alcoholism, drug addiction, and drug addiction can also cause the child to be born abnormal.
Anomalies acquired in marriage occur as a result of harmful factors affecting the child's body during birth and in the subsequent periods. During childbirth, brain damage, long passage of the child through the birth canal, vacuum-extractor or osmbor, the umbilical cord of the child is wrapped and suffocated (asphyxia), etc., sometimes his can lead to abnormal development.
A child suffering from various diseases at an early age (up to three years old), for example, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, otitis, damage to the central nervous system and other similar diseases can also cause anomalous development.
In our country, many measures are being taken to prevent children's anomalies, a lot of progress has been made in this field. In Uzbekistan, the number of anomalous children has decreased due to the expansion of treatment and prevention of the population and the great achievements in the field of medicine. There are cases of children becoming anomalous after smallpox, plague, typhoid, cholera, trachoma, measles and other infectious diseases specific to children. Due to hereditary factors and intoxication and other reasons that lead to damage to the brain and analyzers during the formation of the organism, there are still cases of the child becoming anomalous.
                                  QUESTIONS AND TASKS
1. Describe the developmental characteristics of young infants.
  1. Who are abnormal children?
  2. What are the categories of abnormal children?
  3. Where should abnormal children be educated and why?
  4. What are the causes of anomalies?
  5. Who are children with special needs?

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