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About ways to send free sms from the Internet

Is it possible to send free sms over the Internet? Sometimes there is no money on the phone, but you only need to send two words to your acquaintance. At this time, I will be able to access the Internet, but my acquaintance will not. Therefore, if there are services for sending sms from the Internet, please write them down, thank you in advance! Yes, it will take you some time to send sms from internet only. In my opinion, foreign state operators can [...]

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Why does the phone battery work?

A swollen condition of a phone battery is a condition in which the battery is deformed due to its wear. Changing the size of the power element, i.e. the battery, is more likely to damage the electronic objects inside the mobile device. Even this condition can squeeze the device screen or cover, affect the internal contacts and turn them off. In conclusion, it is not good to continue using the device when the battery is swollen.

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4 ways to speed up your smartphone

Because of the phone's processor and memory, sooner or later your smartphone will start running slow. If you don't want to keep a broken phone, you can restore it using the following methods. To do this: • Method 1: Delete redundant programs The device often freezes because its memory is full. If you start freeing the memory, it may return to its previous state. To do this, you can turn off unnecessary, unused programs on the phone

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3D printers

The use of innovative digital technologies in production, especially modern 3D printers, is such a wide and large-scale issue that even a little coverage would require much more information than this article. Therefore, in this section, we will briefly focus on the scope of application of only one modern innovative technology - 3D-innovative technologies, which is rapidly developing at the moment.

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On this page, we introduce computer-related terms and abbreviations. The page is updated regularly. On this page, I will publish various computer terms and abbreviations. The page will be updated regularly. No. Abbreviation Meaning 1. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2. ATA Advanced Technology Attachment 3. BIOS Basic

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Modern personal computer scheme

WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT COMPUTER We continue to publish the most interesting information and information in the field of information technologies. On our page we tell about computers and their development steps. What we know about computer Today it is hard to imagine our life without computer. They help us write, read, listen to music, watch movies, get weather reports, access the Internet, and even make medical diagnoses.

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COMPUTER (brief information)

Computer (English: computer - "calculator"), EHM (Electronic Computing Machine) - a computing tool designed to receive, process, store and output information according to a specified algorithm (computer program). A computer (eng. computer — I count) is an automatic device that works according to a pre-given program (program). The same term as electronic calculator (EHM). However, Computer (hereafter abbreviated as K.) performs calculations

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Beeline codes

BEELINE CODES  Beeline - Be on the bright side of life Internet site => Support center => 0611 Subscriber service electronic office => 0674 Important numbers Customer service center => 0611 Balance information => 0697 Beeline card activation => 0696 Change system language => 0698 Subscriber service electronic office =>

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Deleted data recovery programs

In the era of current technological development, people tend to get a lot of information and share it with others. The information we received (pictures, videos, documents pdf, doc, etc.) may be needed again sometime. But many people feel sorry for the information they deleted from their device and regret that "I deleted it for nothing". But in the process of reading this article now

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