To please a man / boy


Does a man have to think often about getting disappointed? How to get the attention of guys? What kind of girls do guys like? Expressing your feelings directly is not easy! It is impossible to know in advance how he will respond. Maybe she’ll probably accept you as a light-hearted girl?


This topic is known to worry the minds and hearts of many girls. Unfortunately, the question of how to please a man often ends with tips in the “short skirt” and “deeper décolleté” sections.

In fact, such methods can arouse in men the same primitive desires, and the result is the same - "to enter a cave, to use it, and to go in search of the next prey."

But do you just need “this”? If you want a one-night stand, then keep it that way. Such an approach will suffice. But if your main goal is not only to frame a man, but to build a relationship with him, then you will have to act completely differently.

This topic is very delicate. In this case, dry recommendations do not work. We need the feelings and real experience of certain men and women.

This article stems from a summary of information obtained from the perspective of communicating with real men in a very interesting experience and what they need to do to please men.

What to do to please men

Men are simple in their decisions, actions, and desires. Women are much more complicated. They spend more time thinking about their desires and aspirations.

Women want to know what men want. Men can talk about it openly, but often within the circle of their friends. If you ask them directly:

- Are there any ways to please guys, what should a woman do to please a man?

You can get one of the following answers:

  • Just say “hello” and smile!
  • Take a deep look and say what you want.
  • Dress more openly.

As you can see, these phrases don’t shine with originality.
What can you say about that? It follows from these answers that in order to please a man, it is necessary for him to speak directly about it or that he has no other ‘better’ options. But such behavior is useless.

Men are mostly “hunters”. The most valuable prey for them is the "flaming" women. But every man sees this "flame" in his own way.

Here’s an example: what do you use if you need to polish and trim your nails? From sandpaper or nail polish? Of course. After all, such a tool is designed for the same purpose. The same is true with members of the stronger sex. You will need a suitable tool to frame the guys. And it should be special for each man.

If you’ve already chosen the right partner for you and want to make the relationship in your marriage even warmer, you can check out some of the tips in the landing article. But before you follow the tips below, you need to know what category he belongs to in order to frame the guys.

Type 1. Sports fan

No matter what sport she is interested in (football, basketball or anything else), the girl of her dreams is a cheerful, passionate and unpretentious girl who is a fan of her favorite team.

This category of men enjoys gyms and sports. It is very easy to find a way to his heart.

In his opinion, he is a big league player. So, complimenting his physical features, he should pay attention to his physical performance: "Your biceps are amazing!" such a compliment is valued more than a compliment like “Your body is sporty”.

She spends a lot of time on physical training and she needs encouragement and support to feel that her efforts are not in vain. Therefore, try to touch his muscles often and admire them every time.

Help her feel strong. He likes it when you talk to him about sports equipment, events and competitions.

Tell him you want to go to the gym with him. If you’ve been to gyms less often before, he’ll take great pleasure in teaching you how to do the exercises correctly. This process is very suitable for establishing physical contact. If you want to please him, that's what you want. Isn't that so?

Be careful! In a relationship with this category of guys, there is a risk of staying in second place forever. After all, the gym or team members will always come first.

Children don’t change anything either. He tries to teach them to love their favorite football, basketball teams as much as their father loves them. As a result, only the dynasty of athletes will continue.

And you have to sit at home in the evening, in a corner of the sofa, and show that the show is interesting to you. But if you’re also one of those people who does sports like this (a phenomenon that happens quite often these days), it’s not hard to turn on a guy in this category.

Type 2. Male in capital letters

He considers himself not only a man, but MALE he thinks. And you are required to treat him the same way.

He likes women and his attitude towards gender equality, which is accepted in the modern developed world, is not good. He wants his wife to be elegant and attractive.

In general, in her opinion, the main task of a woman is to give her visual, physical and spiritual pleasure. To find a way to please her, you have to learn to be ‘fire and ice’, but without wearing light-hearted shirts. It is important that he comes to the right first impression about your personality.

The chosen outfit will tell her the best about you. Clothing should emphasize the benefits of your body, not make them look ugly. Of course, all these advantages will be useful later, but now the main thing is to avoid turning the man into a rum and scaring him.

Let him talk more about himself. Listen to him. In women, he values ​​the ability to listen and help spiritually more than high intelligence. He needs a woman who is loyal to him and can take care of him when it comes to the kitchen and bedroom.

Be careful! You can cook a delicious meal like her mother, but it’s not worth spreading perfume like she does. From you should come not the rich, delicious aroma of the kitchen, but the delicate aroma that awakens the "desires". Otherwise, he risks becoming his “best friend” rather than his beloved partner.

Also, don’t confuse “the ability to be encouraging and listening” with “weakness and indifference”. Enter short responses to his monologues, smile at his jokes from time to time, and don’t forget to joke yourself as well. Listen to him actively, demonstrate your presence so that he feels that he is not talking in space.

Type 3. Smart guy

Forget the cute smile of a cute guy in a corner of the dance floor. Such men will not show you their interest and, more likely, will not take the first step. This type of guy doesn’t even visit places like this, probably if his friends don’t take him seriously! And, by the way, it’s easier to get his heart through correspondence.

He loves girls who are literate and delicate in nature. Even though he has already become a big man, in his heart he still considers himself a failure who no one will look at him (even if he has achieved a huge result).

So how should this category of men be treated? Make friends with him.

Respond to his jokes with laughter. Be a woman who is able to understand, listen, talk, and remain a woman. Despite the first-born impressions, his circle of friends will please you. This is a really good guy who needs his partner (most of the girls he meets are from the virtual world). Remember to remind him how smart he is. After all, he considers his brain to be the most important part of him (yes, he is very smart and achieves his height). Talk to her about how cute she is and how much you like her vocabulary.

After a while, when you have confidence in each other, you can point out that her mental potential is arousing intimate desires in you. Such gestures can “move the roof” out of place.

And here you have to be ready.

To please this type of guy and be his “best friend” at the same time means that you need to be prepared for the fact that your relationship could drastically move from a zone of friendship to a zone of “romantic relationships”.

Be careful! First, once you enter the phase of a close relationship, he or she may continue to consider you a friend. If your goal isn’t a more serious relationship, everything is in place.

Second, if you are hoping for a long-term relationship with him (regardless of the existing relationship model), you will need to adapt to his interests: a lot of reading, constant continuing education, and sometimes a computer learn games. In this case, the most important thing is not to make the most common mistake - not to laugh at his hobbies and not to remind him of his past mistakes. In doing so, you can seriously damage the feelings of the ‘smart’ guy and bring your relationship down to the ‘level of insecurity’ that was initially hard to come by.

Type 4. The "bad" guy

Curious, interesting, mysterious, able to perform unpredictable actions. It doesn’t matter how many times he calls and forgets to put a warning that he can’t come to the meeting. Such behaviors are small flaws in the face of the emotions you wake up when you look at it.

How can this type of man be tamed?

The approach to this is very simple. You just have to be cheerful and open. Smile more, laugh out loud at his jokes… Show that you listen to him.
That's all.

The rest is not up to you. The attraction of this category of men ends here.
If you are “fiery” enough for him and he doesn’t see other better options around him right now, the initiative will fall into his hands. Soon, without knowing how it happened, you will be side by side with him.

Be careful! He will always be like that and you can’t change his character. Maybe it will “break” your heart and move on to another “bait” hunt.

And if you still want to please a “bad guy” type man, be prepared to forget the concept of “self-esteem”.

Be prepared to make endless apologies in front of your girlfriend, your friend, your neighbor for being flattered by constant insults and flattery. And now think, “Do you need such a relationship? What good do you get from it? '

A little about all categories of men…

Despite all the differences, there is one thing that can be applied to any guy.

If you want to please any man in public, you shouldn’t look too light-hearted and act accordingly to this unsuccessfully chosen role. Men do not want to introduce “such” girls to their mothers.

While men like to walk around in sports pants at home, that doesn’t mean they go out in exactly that shit for a walk.

And one more thing. At the beginning of the article, in a circle of friends, "What to do to please a man?" there was talk of an experiment to get an answer to the question. The answer of the men who answered the question is as clear as the moon (saying “hello” and other nonsensical answers).

However, there was also a meaningful and valuable, loud response from the divorced, father of three children. His words will be published unedited.

If a woman not only wants to please a man, but also to be his partner in the future, then she should:

  • Be positive;
  • Delicious cooking;
  • Good view;
  • Have a perfect sense of humor;
  • Be able to use their own intelligence;
  • She needs to show that she is the most interesting person in the world for a man right now and is ready to support her in any endeavor and take care of her when she needs it.

After these words, the authors of the previous superficial response remained silent and nodded in agreement.

Final results

At the end of this educational and interesting survey, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Develop the strength of your mind and body. In this way you stand out from the crowd in a positive way;
  • Believe in your abilities and be strong. This will help you achieve more in life than your peers;
  • Underneath tattoos and a beautiful bearded skin, the ideal guy you’ve always been waiting for doesn’t hide;
  • The most important thing is you.

All you have to do is learn how to put all these recommendations into practice. Then you have no doubt that you can “steal” the mind of your chosen partner.

But it is not enough to read a single article and get new information from it. Man must learn and develop new things. After all, humanity still does not know much about itself and the whole world. As you develop yourself, you also develop the world around you.

You can leave a brief comment below about your experience and the methods you have used and their results, which will be of interest to everyone.

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