Girshprung's disease


Abnormal dilation or elongation of the bowel is a Girshprung's disease and is more common in young children. Girshprung bothers more boys.

Intestinal activity is controlled by Meisner and Auerbach nerve entanglements. The fact that these nerve cells do not grow normally (or do not exist at all) can lead to a baby being born with a girshprung.
There are several factors that can cause a baby to be born with a girshprung:
poor pregnancy;
avitaminosis in the first months of pregnancy;
acute infectious diseases in the early months of pregnancy;
Deficiency of B vitamins in the expectant mother and fetus.
In the intestines of a baby with Hirschsprung, peristalsis does not occur, constipation develops, and the baby's rest is disturbed.
The patient may have diarrhea once every two to three days. As a result, feces accumulate in the colon and the intestines become larger.
The dilated and elongated intestines compress the adjacent organs (blood vessels, heart, lungs), making it difficult for the child to breathe and the heart beating more frequently.
Sometimes the accumulated waste is reabsorbed into the intestines due to untimely excretion, and the organism begins to be poisoned. During such poisoning, the child loses appetite, faints and has a headache.
A child with Girshprung loses weight, the skin becomes dry, the eyelids deepen, and even the legs become thinner.
Treatment of the disease is carried out in two different ways (conservative and surgical).
In the milder form, a conservative approach is used, the child is prescribed medication, the intestines are cleansed with huqna, and diarrhea is ensured. After that, his general condition improves.
Girshprung is diagnosed and surgery is performed on children with the disease. The affected part of the dilated or elongated intestine is removed, the disordered nerve entanglements, as well as the sympathetic and parasympathetic sections of the nervous system with impaired function are allowed to function properly.
It is important to remember that after surgery, sick children become more prone to colitis. Therefore, they should follow a post-surgery diet, as hard fried fatty foods are harmful, steamed foods and soft porridges and liquid soups are beneficial.
Under the supervision of a doctor and proper nutrition and rest, the sick child will recover.
Fatima NORBOEVA, doctor, pedagogue.

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