How babies' eyes see


How do babies' eyes see?

This is a very interesting process and is simplified in the gif below

🟠 newborns have very blurry vision, about 5% ⬅️

🟢 1-month-old babies' eyes begin to work together and become more sensitive to light, their eyes begin to move when looking at moving objects

🟡 In 2-3 months, color vision begins to develop. They can also distinguish familiar faces, even from a short distance

🔵 6-month-old babies can judge distance, color vision is fully developed, and general vision reaches 20%

🟣 9-month-old babies' vision improves dramatically and they can point to things they recognize

⚪️ At the age of 2, they begin to see the world more clearly and discover it for themselves🌏

‼️Note: these are all general guidelines and may vary slightly from child to child.

If you suspect that your child does not have vision problems, you can get recommendations from pediatricians and ophthalmologists

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