Mothers of newborns are well aware that their little ones will have lizards. Many mothers think that this area of ​​the baby is a delicate area and cannot be touched by hand. Is that really so? Why does a child need lizards? When should these lizards close? What happens if the size of the liqueur is too small or large? It is natural for young mothers to be interested in such questions.

☝️Baby lick is one of the most important products that plays an important role in the birth process of children. During the birth of the fetus, during the passage of the female genital tract, the skull of the child bends (this is considered normal), reduces in size and takes the form of sexual ducts. This process takes place at the expense of the baby's head and it facilitates the birth process for both the mother and the baby. The peculiarity of the fetal skull lies in its anatomical structure.

Of course, the fetal skull is made up of the same bones as adults. However, the skull bones are more flexible and elastic than those of adults, are not fully fused together, and are not bony. Such products act as a shock absorber in the child's head. These include:

Forehead joint (metopic joint) - between the forehead bones;
Coronary junction - between the forehead and upper bones;
The sagittal joint is between the upper bones;
Upper (lambadosimon) junction - between the nape and upper bones;
The right and left lateral joints are between the upper and temporal bones.

Baby lizards
👉Anterior or large lizard - a rhombic-shaped product, the corners of its borders begin at the forehead and sagittal joints, and on the side are the left and right joints;
👉The posterior or small iliac crest is the depth between the triangular axial joint and the occipital joint;
👉Right and left pons-like ligaments - located at the border of coronary junctions and lateral junctions;
👉Right and left mammary glands - at the border of the coronary junction and lambda junction

Source © @Tips_to_young_mothers

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