The smartest man in the world.


The smartest man in the world.

An indicator of mental development, the level of knowledge of which is determined on the basis of various test methods, is the abbreviation "intellectual quotent" - IQ. Normal IQ range that scored 85-115 points during the test. Those with a score of 115-125 have an IQ above normal, people with a high IQ of 125-135 are geniuses, those with a score above 135 are geniuses, and people with a score below 70 are mentally weak.

The person with the highest IQ is Terence Tao, an Australian mathematician. His most famous work is "Proof of the existence of infinitely long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers" IQ = 230
American businessman Bill Gates has an IQ of 160 and British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has an IQ of 160.

What is your IQ level?