What is Instagram?


What is Instagram? Instagram is mostly pictorial content, more than 60% of which are photos. Today, this social network includes sms notifications, audio and video calls when posting photos, videos, sharing stories, communicating with friends.

Its 3 main differences from other social networks are:

1. The presence of the "Swipe up" button in the story. Through it, you can direct subscribers who follow you on Instagram in a specific direction. For example, direct, site, telegram channel or profile on other social networks. This opportunity is sure to be very useful in advertising and you know very well how it works!

If you do not know how to set the button "Swipe up (https://t.me/funktsiya_uz/99)", go to the link below (https://t.me/funsiya_uz/99)!

2. Strong performance of targeting. That is, if you want to advertise a service or product, you can do it through Instagram itself, without the involvement of a third party. You will be able to choose the age, gender and most importantly the area of ​​the audience being advertised through this method! This feature not only creates a very strong targeting of advertising, but also increases the quality of advertising and sales.

3. Posting to several social networks at the same time, that is, by posting one post on Instagram, you will be able to post this post to your profiles on other social networks as well. These social networks are:

3. Tumblr;
4. Odnoklassniki.

To use this feature, you need to link your social media pages listed above to your Instagram page!

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