Writing mysterious messages in the telegram


👀 (https://telegra.ph/file/0023fa6fe78c6a263485c.png)Write secret messages on Telegram

News in Telegram: now it is possible to send private (secret) messages in public chats. They can only be seen by users you allow.

The procedure is as follows:

1️⃣. We launch the bot (https://t.me/hidethisbot) and exit the dialog box with it, we don’t need it anymore.

2️⃣. Now go to the chat and write the message in the following format: "@hidethisbot text @user".

• Here, "TEXT" is the message itself, and "user" is the user link (username) that is intended to allow or block the viewing of hidden content.

3️⃣. Once the username is entered, you will need to select one of the “For” or “Except” modes in the popup window. The first command allows someone to see the message, the second - prohibits it.

4️⃣. As soon as you select the mode - the message is sent automatically.

📝 Source: @bugnotfeature