With answers to intelligence questions


With the answers to the questions of intelligence - with the answers to questions that sharpen the mind, sharpen the mind, and change the worldview of man.
Q1: Why did Chester Carlson call his copier invention XEROX, which means “dry” in Uzbek?
Answer: At that time, there were only devices that copied through moisture.
Q2: In 1924, German chemists Hans Tropsch and Franz Fisher discovered a new method of obtaining a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen under industrial pressure under low pressure. What?
Answer: Gasoline.
Q3: In what sport are the terms Outfield, Ball, Ketcher, Pitcher, Home-ran used?
Answer: Baseball.
Q4: Siverra narretis non opustis testibus. According to an ancient Latin aphorism, if you tell the truth, there is no need for it. Who did they mean?
Answer: Witness.
Q5: The first of them is Jewish, the next are Greek, Italian, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish.
Tell me the present and the future of these by name.
Answer: Benedict XVI and John Paul II.
Note: We are talking about popes.
Q6: The main library of Indiana State University in the United States is sinking 1 inch (2.54 cm) underground every year. The reason is a mistake made by architects and builders. Attention question: what did they not take into account when designing?
Answer: The weight of books.
Q7: In August 1492, three sailing ships set sail from the Spanish coast to Palos. These were: "Santa Maria", "Ninya" and "Pinta". Who was their captain?
Answer: Christopher Columbus.
Q8: It was first sent to Russia from Mongolia in 1638 as a medicine; Consumption in Russia has been a habit since the middle of the XVIII century. What is it?
Answer: Tea.
Q9: During World War II, when the Germans occupied Leningrad, they encountered a dog farm. They want to kill all the dogs in it. But the Germans back away from that idea. If there was no military purpose in it, then what was the reason for their decision?
Answer: These dogs were the dogs that the famous scientist Pavlov conducted experiments on. That is why they did not kill them in the way of science.
Q10: In May 2006, a real scandal broke out in a São Paulo prison. The inmates demanded that the prison administration grant them additional privileges for a certain period of time. The question is, what event indirectly caused these riots?
Answer: The World Cup.
Q11: This "machine" is not designed to move at all. But if we years
If we calculate the “path” they walk all over the world, they exceed the distance covered by cars and planes. Find out what this “machine” we have all seen and some of us have.
Answer: Clock.
Q12: When a tiger hears this sound, it stops roaring, the hyena stops howling, the monkeys go out to the highest branches of the trees with ayuhannos, the deer and the deer disappear at lightning speed, the sheep and goats graze in the herd. the sound dies away, the camels break the rope and run away, the horses lift their front legs upright in front, sigh heavily, start whining and push back hard, the dogs squeeze their tails and enter the owner's lap. When he hears this sound, even the man trembles like a malaria, looking for a place to hide. What does that sound like?
Answer: The roar of a lion.
Q13: This bird, which is one of the largest and most energetic birds, has been around since ancient times
is a symbol of beauty and love, purity and elegance. This bird is often sung in folk tales and fairy tales. One of the ancient legends tells the story of this amazingly beautiful bird singing in front of itself. Which bird is this?
Answer: The swan.
Q14: He was very talented, interested in chemistry and became a professor at the age of 27. His research and discoveries amazed scientists. No one had imagined that he would soon remain in chemistry and pursue a completely different field. Who was this scientist?
Answer: Louis Pasteur.
Q15: American doctors have experiences about the negative effects of television on humans
spent. They found that sitting too much in front of the TV caused eye diseases. They said the condition was causing another region-specific disease. What disease is this?
Answer: Obesity.
Q16: Only one drop of 25 liters of water can contaminate it.
Answer: Oil.
Q17: The Turks call it the “voice of the devil,” the German sailors call it the “monsoon wind,” and the British call it the most
the voice of the unhappy. ” We also have the belief that this does not lead to good. What are we talking about?
Answer: Whistle.
Q18: That thing we see almost every day. The first information about him became known in 1254. But its first appearances were metal, which was made by carving bronze. What is it?
Answer: A mirror.
Q19: This vegetable was brought to Russia during the reign of Peter I. His grains at that time
which is small and tachy. They are densely planted, so they are more fragmented.
Farmers have long refused to plant this vegetable. There were even riots when he was forced to plant. Such uprisings were suppressed by military armies. What is a vegetable that farmers do not want to plant so much?
Answer: Potatoes.
Q20: On New Year's Eve in Scotland, if I or Ganisher Rakhmatullaev, Bobur Yakubov, Furkat Kurbanov and Obid Asomov are the first to enter their house, will this family be happy all year round? Why might that be?
A: Because we all have black hair.
Q21: The durability of exactly this sports equipment is tested by a pneumatic gun with a core firing capacity of 120 mph. Which inventory?
Answer: Hockey goalkeeper helmet.
Q22: In the past, scientists called these celestial bodies "nothing visible." Which celestial bodies?
Answer: Comets.
Note: Because both comets have very rare heads and tails - their density is billions of times smaller than the density of the air we breathe.
Q23: This word originated in Italy four hundred years ago. Orphanages where orphans live are so named. In these houses, orphans were taught to sew shoes, paint the walls, as well as play musical instruments and sing. What are these houses called?
Answer: Conservatories.
Q24: Soviet sculptor Kuratov makes a statue of a man for his 1st anniversary. He also places statues of several animals, such as a dog, a cat, a monkey, and a goose, next to that person. Attention question, whose statue did he make?
Answer 9: The famous counselor Krilov.
Q25: The uniquely beautiful view of the blue lakes and rivers, due to the delicate greenery of the pines of this country, has long been called the “Land of Morning Purity”. Which country is this?
Answer: Korea.
Q26: A military competition of knights was held in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. His goal was to demonstrate the knights ’fighting skills. By the 16th century, it was extinct in most countries. What is this race called?
Answer: Tournament.
Q27: Now the Moscow Conservatory is named after the great Russian composer PI Tchaikovsky. The Tashkent Conservatory is named after Uzbek composer Mukhtor Ashrafi. The St. Petersburg Conservatory is named after another Russian composer. Who is he?
Answer: Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov.
Q28: The open sea frightened the sailors, led by Columbus, because they used to swim only along the coast. So when they saw the green ribbon on the horizon, they were overjoyed. But it wasn’t the place, it was. What was that?
Answer: The surface was the Sargasso Sea, covered with thick seaweed.
Q29: Of course we have many types of games. Each game participant
There are objects and attributes that you can use. In a game where we play a game, we all use one thing, and that thing in turn is 85% water. If you’ve figured out which game you’re talking about, write me something we “use” and hopefully this will help you find the question.
Answer: The brain.
Note: This game was a "Zakovat" game.
Q30: This word is derived from Arabic and means "to live, to live, to live."
meanings. But now it can be seen that this thing may not be enough to live and survive. What word is that?
Answer: Salary.
Q31: In the summer of 1502, the inhabitants of Florence often met on the streets a man with a strange appearance. His long white braided hair spread from the underside of his hat to his shoulders, his beard covering his face and falling to his chest. Underneath his thick eyebrows, his watchful eyes stared. The tall, large body was suitable for a wide dress. Who was this man?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.
The shape of the nose speaks of a human verb
Q32: This wind instrument is named after its inventor, the Belgian master of wind instruments. Which musical instrument is this?
Answer: Saxophone (in honor of Saxa (1814-1894)).
Q33: Elfrid Carlson, who works for the Financial Board in Stockholm, knows more than 20 puppies. What is this for?
A: He taxes dogs.
Q34: This tree satisfies the needs of the indigenous people in North Africa for food, building materials, in short, for their livelihood. In some parts of the Sahara, its fruit still serves as money. Which fruit is this?
Answer: Dates.
Q35: During the Great Patriotic War, these animals were kept in trenches and basements. Because these animals protected the soldiers from serious danger. What animals were raised in those trenches?
Answer: Cats.
Note: Rodents that could not find food in the ruined fields would settle near the warriors. They spread a very dangerous, serious infectious disease called tularemia.
Q36: From the souvenir shop inside the Eiffel Tower, the author of the question buys a model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir. When he removes the price tag from the memo, he catches sight of a note and gets upset. Make sure you write the note there clearly.
Answer: Made in China.
Q37: Great writers, composers, painters who lived in the past are often called classics. The word “classic” means the best, the most perfect, the most exemplary, as everyone acknowledges. There is also a separate science, which is called classical science due to its perfection. Which science is this?
Answer: This is Newton's classical mechanics.
Q38: According to Jules Verne, a native of the Faroe Islands, a very fat man on the island
used the carcass of a bird as a necessary item in a ready-made household. How?
Answer: As a candle.
Q39: Many Americans are rich after an incident in early 2007
they began to offer him their homes. Of course, because his time was tight, he looked at these houses and left the choice to someone close to him. We ask you to write down the name of the group depending on the person you entrust.
Answer: Spice Girls.
Note: This person was Beckham. His wife Victoria is the lead singer of this group.
Q40: It was discovered in 1855 by the traveler Livingston. Next to it is a statue of this tourist. A “big tree” grows near it. What did he discover?
Answer: Victoria Falls.
Q41: I would like you to continue the topic and fill in a sentence of humorists. “A new lazy robot has been created in the laboratory. The exams were excellent: robot… .. ”. End the sentence with a word.
A: It didn't work.
Q42: In the 3th century, the city of Paris was divided into three parts. 1 - Cathedral, 2 - Louvre. Part 3 How
Answer: Sarbonna.
Q43: In 1895, an American inventor replaced a metal replacement razor with a safe lubricating device. What is the name of that scientist?
Answer: K. Jilleti.
Q44: According to experts, if they had become extinct on earth, a hundred thousand species of plants would have died. Name this plant «saviors».
Answer: Bees.
Note: They pollinate the flowers of plants and create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
Q45: There are more than 600 species of it in the world. For some reason it is the manufacturer
the first factory was opened not in Italy but in 1848 in Brooklyn, New York, by Antoine Segera. If you’ve found what you’re talking about, what does it have to contain at least 5.5% to be of good quality?
Answer: Eggs (We are talking about pasta).
Q46: The numbers five, fifteen, eighty, twenty thousand and even five hundred million can be found in the names of his works. Who is he?
Answer: J.Vern.
Q47: European police wear bronchials during extremist movements, during strikes, and when they go somewhere every week. The question is, where do they wear bronzels when they go?
Answer: Football matches.
Q48: According to the decree of Peter I, for the first time in the world at the Tula plant they were made only of metal. They are considered to be the most convenient means for the Russian climate. What is it?
Answer: Skating.
Q49: Which insect information does Scottish radio report in its daily weather information?
Answer: About mosquitoes.
Q50: The name of this dish means “pan-cooked food” in Turkish. It is the national dish of the Georgian people. We all love and consume it. What is this dish called?
Answer: Layer.
Q51: The British National Ballet Theater, like all other theaters, has a holiday season. They are
After the holidays, they start the season with works such as Othello and Spartak. But British actors joke that the season cannot begin with this ballet. Which play?
Answer: Swan Lake ballet.
Note: The reason is that all the actors have returned from vacation in the sun.
Q52: Eight centuries ago, at the confluence of the Neglinnaya River and the Moscow River, a small wooden fortress was built on a steep hill by order of Russian Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In those days there were many such small castle-towns in Russia. It was unthinkable at that time that this town and this fortress had a glorious and great history. What is the name of the castle town?
Answer: The Kremlin.
Q53: It was first created in 2001 in the US Navy by the aircraft carrier Enterprise. It was designed for 400 men, and its first in-quote commander was a U.S. Navy lieutenant, originally from Mohi-ed-Din, an Arab. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys .....
Answer: Mobile Mosque.
Note: The answer of the mosque is also accepted.
Q54: The brightest and most heroic pages in Russian history are linked here. Dmitry Donskoy's troops left here to fight the enemy. The volunteer armies of Minin and Pozharsky, who liberated the Russian people from Polish and Swedish invaders, were greeted by the sound of bells in the area. Here Peter I and Charles XII celebrated the victory of Poltava over the Swedish armies. Which place is this?
Answer: The Kremlin.
Q55: For North American Indians, it served as a home, a dish, a weapon, food, clothing. The question is, what is it?
Answer: Bison.
Q56: The population in the Congo uses 500 of them, 250 in Indonesia and 117 in Sudan. What is it?
Answer: Language.
Q57: At the top of this list is Indonesia. 2nd place Japan. 3rd place until 2000
The UK was standing. Now the Philippines has risen to 3rd place. The question is, what is this list based on?
Answer: By the number of islands.
Note: In 2000, some British colonies were liberated.
Q58: It is similar to steel wire in terms of strength. It is difficult to break and requires 1 kg of force to break 50 square millimeter. What is it?
Answer: Silk.
Q59: Every state in the United States has its own Times. For example, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, etc. What is the name of the Alaska Times?
Answer: The Tundra Times.
Q60: This word, which is very familiar to us, is derived from Arabic and means subtle understanding, good thinking. What word is that?
Answer: Zakovat.
Q61: In 47 BC, a letter arrives in the Roman Senate from a man. Think carefully about which 3 words may be written in that letter.
Answer: Vini Vidi Vichi (I came, I saw, I won).
Q62: This is one of the oldest sports. 2500 BC BC the Egyptians were interested in it. The Greeks also loved the sport. In those days, they competed on a more sandy field. What sport is this?
Answer: Wrestling.
Q63: The first information about him can be found in the written sources of the Greek physician Claudius Galen. In the past, it was rubbed for use. It was only after the invention of Julien Louis Joffre that it began to be used strictly. What is it?
Answer: Soap.
Q64: The translation of the name of this animal means ‘does not drink’ in the language of one of the local tribes. This animal doesn’t really drink water. The water in the eucalyptus leaves is enough for it. Which animal is this?
Answer: Koala.
Noah's Puzzle: How it happened
Q65: In the Polynesian islands, they are forbidden to eat delicious foods such as pork and turtle, tuna, and chicken. Who is subject to such a ban?
Answer: To women.
Q66: John Kennedy, Heydar Aliyev, Leonardo Da Vinci and Charles de Gaulle still receive him today. If it is directly related to the numbers 747, 757, 767, 777, please describe it to me in 1 minute with an English word.
Answer: Boeing.
Q67: Cow - 4, pig - 8, hedgehog - 10, jaguar - 11, bat - 20. Well, this
What is the figure in a person?
Answer: 7-8 hours.
Note: This was a normal sleep time of 1 day.
Q68: The name of this sport means ‘unarmed self-defense’. What sport is this?
Answer: Sambo (Russian: "Samozaùita bez orujiya").
Q69: This is the name given to a gift given to the mother of a married bride in our nation. It was given by the groom before the wedding as a special reward for the labor of the mother who raised the girl. The mother had the right to spend it voluntarily. What is it called?
Answer: Milk fee.
Q70: Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Macao, Pakistan, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan. If you’ve figured out what unites these states, you need to find another state that I didn’t mention.
A: India (all bordering China).
Q71: The electric tool created by a Scottish monk in 1763 is the first electric tool in the world. It was used as a church bell. What is it?
Answer: Zvonok (doorbell).
Q72: A certain percentage of their money before the death of an American millionaire
to his nephew, he bequeathed it to him to complete his studies at the university. After that, the nephew set a unique record worth entering into the Guinness Book of Records. What kind of record is this?
A: He did not graduate from this university until his death.
Q73: This word means “dervish’s hut, a secluded place” in French.
The villa, built outside the city, is the name of the pavilions that surround it. That's the word
is a place associated with the masterpieces of world culture. What's that name?
Answer: The Hermitage.
Q74: This incident first took place in London more than a hundred years ago.
In Moscow, it happened on May 1935, 15. So, when did this happen in Tashkent?
Answer: November 1977, 6.
Note: Here we are talking about the launch of the subway for the first time in these cities
is growing.
Q75: Stalin, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev were all in that position.
Lenin and Khrushchev did not. What career is this?
Answer: The Secretary General (Gen. Secretary).
Q76: It is said that an elephant is afraid of a mouse because the mouse has entered the elephant's trunk. This is wrong. The elephant is not afraid of mice entering the harpoon. When the mouse enters the elephant's trunk, it blows it away like a squirrel. But there is truth behind the phrase “the elephant is afraid of the mouse”. What is this truth?
Answer: The gnawing of mice and rats makes an elephant asbestos, irritates it, and so the elephant tries to escape from there.
Q77: That thing makes us look more beautiful. It first appeared in 1470. It was only from 1890-1894 that it entered its present form. What could this be?
Answer: Iron.
Q78: A poet from this country wrote about his country as follows:
"My little land is a golden drop of my instant Kahrabo." Indeed, this country is called the land of amber. Which country is this?
Answer: Lithuania.
Q79: The doctors wrote down how to drink it: "Drink this wonderful drink calmly so that you feel refreshed enough to overcome the anxieties that hurt your body." Which drink is this?
Answer: Tea.
Q80: In ancient Rome, a forty-year-old man was considered an old man, and a sixty-year-old man was a dopontanus, that is, only fit for him. What was it for?
Answer: It was only suitable for sacrifice.
Q81: Anyone who used BUNI in trade in Florence in the fourteenth century could be punished for "bowing to the East." Nowadays, it is used almost everywhere in the same way. THIS thing, called a region, is applied differently in that region. What is this?
Answer: ARABIC numbers.
Q82: After studying the fauna of the Indus and Ganges rivers in ancient times, it was agreed that the source of the Nile River originates from India. What led to this idea?
Answer: Crocodiles.
Q83: Their number is said by modern scholars to be 54-58. The thing is, their looks are different, and some even have no boundaries. Our great ancestor Abu Rayhan Beruni did not know how many of them he knew, but the ancient Greeks knew 7 of them. What are we talking about?
Answer: The sea.
Note: The Sargossa Sea has no borders. Many sea names are mentioned in Beruni's works.
Q84: In Alisher Navoi's epic Hayrat-ul abror, it is written: Which prophet did he write about?
Answer: Solomon.
Q85: In 1945, its industrial production began in the United States. It was first isolated in the 1920s by the British microbiologist Alexander Fleming. This discovery has not been implemented for a long time. During World War II, British biochemist Ernst Boris Cheney and physician Howard Walter Flori introduced it into widespread production. What is it?
Answer: Penicillin.
Q86: This device was first built in 1670 by the German master Erhard Weigel in a residential building in Jena. Elisha Otis, an American engineer, later contributed to its development. For almost 340 years he has been serving humanity with gratitude. What is it?
Answer: Elevator.
Q87: At the 1958 FIFA World Cup in Sweden, there was a draw to divide 16 teams into groups. In it, all teams are divided into 4 groups based on regional proximity. Group 1 is called "Western Europe", Group 2 - "Eastern Europe", Group 3 - "America". So what was the name of the last 4 groups in it?
Answer: Great Britain
Note: 4 teams from the UK also came out that year: England, Scotland, Wales,
Q88: Don Badge of the United States, Maureen Connolly, Rod Laver of Australia, Margaret Smith Court,
German Steffi Graff. The above people have one thing in common. What kind of connection is this?
A: These people have won a big helmet. These are all tennis players.
Q89: We have all heard the words whey, apricot. When you imagine whey and apricots, tell me what the word ‘yellow’, which is the core of these words, can mean.
Answer: It means "yellow" in Persian.
Q90: The first person to donate blood in Germany is traditionally given a movie ticket. Which movie?
Answer: Dracula.
Q91: There are many different sciences in the world and they are all about learning something. Among these sciences is a science called onomastics. So what does onomastics teach?
Answer: People are concerned with the origin and meaning of the name.
Q92: The translation of the name of this city means ‘red hero’. Which city is this?
Answer: Ulaanbaatar.
Q93: They are the main and beautiful part of the house in Zanzibar that attracts attention. They do not take it out of the island as it is the glory of the people of Zanzibar like other arts. What is it?
Answer: The door.
Question 94: "Sea of ​​Abundance", "Sea of ​​Silence", "Sea of ​​Clouds", "Clarity"
Where are the seas such as "Sea of ​​Rain", "Moscow Sea", "Sea of ​​Dreams"?
Answer: On the moon.
Q95: In the past, this fruit was considered a “symbol of happiness” in the Seychelles. There were people who exchanged one of these fruits for valuables, even a ship, for the purpose of bringing happiness and income. What kind of fruit is this?
Answer: Seychelles.
Q96: Ozod Sharofiddinov said: "A critic should carry an ax into the garden of creation, not an ax." What?
Answer: Tokkaychi.
Q97: It is well known that in the 19th century, like many powerful capitalist countries in the world, iron ore mining and casting were very developed in Russia. 4 to 3 parts of the iron produced in Russia was used for one thing. Why?
Answer: To build a railway.
Unexpected prediction: A letter written by an 11-year-old girl in 1969 has been found
Q98: He wrote on his personal seal, "I am a disciple and I need teachers." Who was that king?
Answer: Peter I.
Q99: Here is an example from a manuscript: "If a screw device made of starchy fabric works and rotates quickly, it will form a pillar in the air and rise between the clouds." Tell me the author of the handwriting and what the ancestor of the described drawing is.
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci, helicopter.
Q100: It is well known that wars have not brought good to any state or country. Great harm to humanity in general. But the war that took place in one European country in the twentieth century brought happy moments to another European country. And you tell me those two states.
Answer: Denmark - Yugoslavia. Denmark was the 1992 European Football Champion.
Q101: A Frenchman traveling on the Trans-American Express remembers that in a wagon restaurant he ordered the same meal as the man sitting at the next table, but it was cheaper because he ate a little later. laydi. The waiter explains this when asked why. So how did the waiter respond?
A: We have now moved to another state where taxes are cheaper. So your food was cheap.
Q102: The FIFA World Cup was held in Nagoya, Japan. The game consisted of 10 halves of 2 minutes, with a break lasting 20 minutes. If you found the “players” there, please ask me to write down exactly why you were given a 20-minute break.
A: To charge the batteries.
Note: The World Cup was held between robots.
Q103: When a lizard leaves its tail, why does its tail sometimes gather on the ground and sometimes straighten?
Answer: When the opponent turns his attention to this tail, the owner of the tail escapes to his secret nest.
Q104: Every year there is a festival in Hannibal, where the wall painting competition is of great interest, especially among the participants. Now think about it, what is the name of this festival?
Answer: Mark Twain.
Q105: The sailors who saw them for the first time thought they were a bunch of people in the distance wearing tailcoats and milky white machines. In those days, men dressed in such ceremonies. What did the sailors actually see then?
Answer: Penguins.
Q106: 135 years ago, an American firm announced a competition to make a material that could replace expensive ivory. The competition was attended by many inventors, engineers and scientists. Among them were the brother inventors named Hayaat. They had created the first of a material that is very common today. What material was it?
Answer: Plastic.
Q107: This genius puts his invention on the table, attracts the attention of his deputy, John Cruise, and, looking at the "branch" of his invention, shouts, "Mary had lambs." Then if you know what happened, tell me what the inventor was, not the inventor.
Answer: Phonograph (the device returns it when Thomas Edison records the sound).
Q108: It is well known that an important role in sports is played by the athletes themselves, not the referees. But in which sport there are 6,5 referees per player. Which sport is this?
Answer: Double Court Tennis.
Q109: It was invented in ancient Rome. According to archeological materials, it was first made of reeds woven in the form of socks or boots, and then looped iron
the plates are tied with a rope or strap. What is it?
Answer: Taqa.
Q110: On the front page of the Russian journal International Law, 1998
tiger, fish in 2000, snake picture in 2001. But every magazine in 1999 published a picture of a man with a picture of a rabbit. The question is, who is this?
Answer: Pushkin.
Note: This year was the 200th anniversary of Pushkin.
Q111: There is a volcano called Surtsey 112 km southeast of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. This volcano is different from other volcanoes. What is the difference?
Answer: This volcano erupts from under the sea.
Q112: According to Narshahi, the inhabitants of the area occupied by the Arabs had a material interest in the Arabs. The Arabs gave 2 dirhams for a job to the people of the area. In return for what work?
Answer: Because he came to the mosque.
Note: The answer "Accept Islam" is not accepted.
Q113: Why is the pipe under the sink in our kitchen “S” shaped? We can also observe this situation at the bottom of the bathtub.
Answer: It prevents unpleasant odors in the sewer from entering the room.
Q114: Since August 1997, 4, NASA's website has been visited by nearly 220000000 people. What did they want to see there?
Answer: Images of Mars (transmitted by the Mars Pathfinder satellite).
Q115: There is a statue in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg. There are always kids around him
gavjum. The old man in the chair was deep in thought, with bronze statues of animals at his feet. Who is this man?
Answer: Ivan Andreevich Krylov and the heroes of his parables.
Q116: The famous traveler D. Livingston likened it to a giant carrot overturned. According to an African legend, "One day, the mighty God became angry with him, pulled him out, turned his root upside down, and pushed his branch down and put it back on the ground." What is this?
Answer: Baobab tree.
Q117: Look at this, the person who wants to steal you also wants to sacrifice you. But you may not accept it either. Tell me, who is the person who wants to call you?
Answer: A chess player (Gambit means "to play").
victory is achieved).
Q118: In 1993, the famous auction house Christie, in agreement with the International Astronomical Union, put up for sale several lots. What has this firm put up for sale that is so popular among the rich?
A: A few unnamed stars. The buyer of the lot is given the opportunity to give the star his name.
Q119: The historian Khandamir wrote in his book Makorimul-akhlaq that "even nature mourned the death of Navoi." Why did Khandamir write that?
Answer: In 1501, when he was buried, it was raining lightly.
Q120: In the Paduang tribe living in one of the mountainous regions of Burma, a woman’s beauty is determined by the length of her neck, and women wear special rings to lengthen their necks. The Paduangs have the harshest punishment for women who commit grave sins. Such a punishment is applied to a woman who betrays her husband. What kind of punishment could that be?
Answer: It consists of removing the rings on the neck.
Q121: Continue the line A, K, Q, J,… ..
Answer: 10, 9, 8,… .. (Playing cards A - Salt (Ace), K-King, Q-Dama (Queen), J-Valet
Q122: There are three powerful weapons in competition against competition: 1. Quality. 2. Price. 3 What?
Answer: Advertising.
Q123: Red maple grows here. Its leaves turn so bright in autumn that
the tree is reminiscent of a burning torch. Which country is this?
Answer: Canada.
Q124: One of the emblems of Adidas, a well-known manufacturer of sportswear and accessories, is the "Three Leaves". What does this three-leaf emblem represent?
Answer: This three-leaf represents three continents.
Q125: In 1751, immigration was dissatisfied with a reform in England. They went to the house of the lord, the organizer of the reform, and said, "Give us back 2,5 percent." What did they demand to return and what kind of reform was that?
Answer: "Give us back 2,5 months."
Note: The calendar changed in England at that time. As a result, it was postponed for 2,5 months.
Q126: Which country's coat of arms depicts a rider on horseback?
Answer: Mongolia.
Q127: This art appeared at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, during the Renaissance. Of Italy
Poets, musicians, and artists in Florence were the founders of this art. In this art, they combined different types of art (poetry, music, drama, fine arts). Since then, the art has spread around the world. What kind of art is this?
Answer: Opera.
Q128: For the Bedouins living in the vast hot desert, this color is the color of holiness, the color of happiness and beauty, the color of heaven. What color is it?
Answer: Green.
What do you know about Earth-like planets?
Q129: Herodotus, a Greek scholar who lived in the fifth century BC, said, "It is the gift of the Nile." What did he mean?
Answer: Egypt.
Q130: A handless foot opens a door. We all know from a young age that this is the wind. But tell me how Antanas Kontrimas of Lithuania, who is in the Guinness Book of Records, lifted a 2001 kg girl on March 11, 59 without arms and legs for 10,93 seconds.
Answer: With a beard.
Q131: In the XNUMXth century, a new carpenter appeared one day at a shipyard in Zaandam, the Netherlands. Like many others, he was hauling planks, nailing nails, and carrying heavy loads. After work, he wandered around the city for a long time, eager to see as many interesting things as possible. Later, the people of Zaandam were surprised to learn that this young carpenter was in fact a Russian who had traveled abroad. Who was that Russian man?
Answer: Peter I.
Q132: Latifa. The husband came home from a tourist trip and showed his wife pictures. "This is Venice, this is Naples, this is Rome." His wife took one of the pictures and said, "You're so drunk." The question was what was depicted in the picture.
Answer: The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Q133: They were first seen in the mountains in 1947 by American businessman Arnold. Since then, they have been seen by nearly 80000 people in the United States alone. What are they?
Answer: Flying saucers.
Q134: The Bodrirals said, "He is a servant who fills the prison with prisoners." What is it?
Answer: Alcohol.
Q135: The famous politician Otto von Bismarck said: People tend to lie more after hunting, during trips and before. The question is, before what?
Answer: Before the election.
Q136: It can be Hollywood, glasses, egg, rice and even mono! What is it?
Answer: Diet.
Q137: The Russian scientist KATimiryazev said: “It is one of the great inventions of human thought
" Why did he describe it that way?
Answer: Well-covered wheat bread.
Q138: In Hungary, a variety of dishes, snacks, greens, and a variety of delicacies are served at the New Year's table. The whole piglet is brought to the guests. But it is not just a set of dishes on the table. What kind of food?
Answer: Poultry.
Note: Because according to their understanding, if a bird flies and its meat is put on the holiday table, the blessings and happiness of the year will fly away.
Q139: It is called "kures" in the Kazakhs, "chidaoba" in the Georgians, "kox" in the Armenians, and "gyulesh" in the Azerbaijanis. What is it called in Uzbek?
Answer: "Struggle."
Q140: 1 Jaguar, 2 dogs, 1 beaver, 4 bears, 1 eagle, 4 owls, 1 duck, 1 duck nose, 1 yexidna, 1 raccoon, a child and a girl, 1 rabbit, 1 coyote, 1 wolf, and 2 Greek goddesses. Find the connection in this row?
Answer: Olympic mascots.
Q141: The army is the main force of the state. For example, in North Korea, 5% of the population
serves in the army. In 2004, the most international army was formed in this country. 7622 soldiers belong to 136 different nationalities. The question is, which country is this?
Answer: France.
Q142: According to the American dentist Joseph Berkovsky, this woman's facial structure is the most typical appearance for humans. It was his front teeth that made him think so. Who is this woman?
Answer: Mona Lisa - Djakonda.
Q143: There is a restaurant in Germany called Unsicht, which translates as "invisible". There are 2 reasons for this name of the restaurant. 1 All services are performed in the dark. You write 2 to us.
Answer: The blind are served there.
Q144: The Roman emperor Philip the Arab celebrated a very lavish holiday on April 248, 6 AD.
will hold. The question was what did he celebrate?
Answer: The 1000th anniversary of Rome.
Q145: What does the word “Crystallos” mean when translated from Greek?
Answer: Ice.
Q146: H. Nu'man and A. Shorahmedov wrote the novel "Father" about this man.
The Uzbekfilm studio has created a feature film entitled "Meaningful Short Life". Who was that man?
Answer: Comrade Ohunboboev.
Q147: The Greeks called it the sphinx. The execution style he uses does not attract people. A famous literary hero also used this method of execution. Now tell me what the sphinx means in Greek, not its name.
Answer: Choking.
Note: We are talking about a suffocating snake. The literary hero is Othello.
Q148: Castor and Polidevk, Hercules and Meleagr, Orpheus, Pele and Telamon. Their
who is the manager
Answer: Jason.
Q149: Boxing is well known to everyone. But the term boxing also means a place where equipment of a sport stands. What sport is this?
Answer: Formula 1.
Q150: Every person living on the Indonesian island of Bali is brought to the temple on a stretcher three times in his life: the first time when a boy or a girl reaches puberty, and the second time at a wedding. When is the third time?
Answer: When I saw the first son.
Q151: There is a saying in the tribe of Guerrero living in South Africa, "There is no greater calamity for them than to be a neighbor." So what or who is this proverb about?
Answer: About the twins.
Note: In the Guerrero tribe, twins are considered sacred and they can easily enter their neighbor’s house in addition to their own and do whatever they want, which of course causes some inconvenience to the neighbors.
Q152: Turkmen writer Berdy Kerbobaev said, “I consider it the moon in the sky of brotherly Uzbek literature. Who does not admit that his famous works shine brightly on the soil of Uzbekistan? ” he wrote. Who did he write that about?
Answer: Musa Tashmuhammad Oybek.
Q153: The Chinese have such a phrase. "Jen do-di shao" Here "do" and "shao" mean "more" and "less". And you write me the full phrase.
Answer: "More people - less land."
Q154: A person who gets on the Washington subway for the first time is bound to be amazed. In it, the electric lights are skillfully crafted. People say, “The Washington Metro is so well lit, …… Just like in the afterlife. The question is what sentence should be put in place of the dots?
Answer: You do not see your own shadow. In the afterlife, there will be no shadow of people.
Q155: He is the most insatiable creature in the world. Because in 2 hours he could eat 40 flies and mosquitoes. Which creature is he?
Answer: Ninachi.
Q156: In the past, a letter delivered by courier in some European countries was called that, and today it is referred to as a sporting event. Which word is this?
Answer: Relay.
Q157: Australian aborigines call a rooster a "bird of prey." One nation considered those who did it without fear to be brave and courageous. You tell me at least 3 types of it in Uzbek, not what kind of work it is.
Answer: Laugh, smile, smile.
Note: Abarogenes call a rooster a "laughing bird."
Q158: This thing was invented in 1895 by a man from Zurich. But his
The popularization continued slowly. It was not until World War I that his propaganda was widespread and its convenience was proven in the war. Tell me the name of that inventor, not what it’s about.
Answer: Gillet.
Q159: This great artist, who was able to conquer the whole world with his abilities and talents, died at the age of 56, that is, on his birthday. Who is he?
Answer: William Shakespeare.
Q160: He was born during a time of great decline. He had to leave his family early. He started putting on concerts to stay alive. His last concert ended tragically for him. Tell me the protagonist and his killer.
Answer: Snail and Fox.
Q161: As a result of surveys conducted in America, “Who do you want to be?”. 40% of girls of kindergarten age answer this question. The protagonist of the film, which was released in 1999, must have loved the process, he would have left without starting and finishing the work. Attention question, write this "profession".
Answer: The bride.
Q162: The name of this state is derived from the Arabic word meaning "land, island between the waters." What is the name of this country?
Answer: Algeria.
Q163: On the night of April 18, thousands of people came to the dock. It was impossible to cross 8th Avenue at 11 p.m. Everyone was waiting for the most valuable "Cargo" for themselves. Write down who these people are waiting for with maximum accuracy.
A: The people who survived the Titanic disaster.
14 Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Bees
Q164: M. Gerasimov gives some information in his book "Arabs and the Sea". He said that in the early twentieth century, women were not allowed on passenger ships. The captains did not want the women on board. Even if he was released, he was released for 2-3 times the fee. What is the reason for this?
A: They thought women would bring authority.
Q165: The great thinker Mir Alisher Navoi gave a meaning to each letter of this word. This word embodies unity, happiness, grace, consequence, and love. Which word is this?
Answer: Islam.
Q166: The meaning of this word is ‘no place, imaginary place’, according to other assumptions it means ‘comfortable place’. It is an image of an unscientific, ideal social system. Which word is this?
Answer: Utopia.
Q167: As a result of many years of studying the weather, scientists have found that two days a week in large cities, the air is colder than other lakes. Which two days will be colder in big cities and why?
Answer: Saturday and Sunday, because these days the factories do not work and do not emit hot air.
Q168: No matter where a person lives in this state, if he wants to take a bath, he can take a bus to the beach, take a bath, and return home the same day. Because in the widest part of the island, the distance from one shore to the other does not exceed 230 km. Which country is this?
Answer: Cuba.
Q169: In Greek, the name of this field means “the skill of navigating a ship”. Nowadays, people related to this field also drive ships, but their ships have neither sails nor steam engines. Which field is this?
Answer: Cosmonautics.
Q170: Certain cans produced in the USSR in the 1970s have certain letters written on them. For example: "A", "Á", etc. Logically think about which of these letters is the last and what it means.
Answer: The last letter is "Ë".
Note: These letters indicate the month in which the can was released. "A" - January, "Á" - February, etc. 12 letters in the Russian alphabet are "Ë"
Q171: An 85-year-old academic is getting married. He says at his wedding: “The ocean is an example of love. I can't live without it. I loved him and I'm not ashamed of it. " Whose wedding was it?
Answer: Jacques Yves Cousteau.
Q172: In some prisons in Switzerland, a white flag is hung. What does this mean?
Answer: A white flag is hung in the absence of a single prisoner in prison.
Q173: The roads at a driving school in the Netherlands are deliberately very bad. What is the exact reason for this?
Answer: For drivers to walk slower in life.
Q174: If an American was born in Florida, about his birth
where the certificate says “New York J161TH,” that’s exactly where Florida is
A: It’s in a digital car. The car was in Florida at the time of the birth.
Q175: A traditional Spanish bullfight lasts only 20 minutes, however
viewers can watch it for hours. Why is the time of one bullfight limited to 20 minutes?
Answer: After about 20 minutes, the bull realizes that it is necessary to attack the person, not the red cloth, which is dangerous for the life of the torpedo.
Q176: Reporting to his troops using pigeons during the war in Japan
a problem occurs when delivered. That is, the pigeon carrying the message would be shot down by enemy snipers or attacked by birds of prey, and the message would not reach the desired destination. Then the successful Japanese found a solution to this problem, and the news began to reach its destination as before, without any injuries. What news did they come up with about pigeons?
Answer: They have bred a new breed of pigeon that can fly as easily at night as it does during the day, so that the enemy cannot see it and the birds of prey cannot attack them.
Q177: In the United States it is oky, in Japan it is not, and in our country it is in the form of a bay. The question is, what is the point
going on?
Answer: It was an expression of the date.
Note: In the United States, first the month, then the day, and finally the year. In Japan, first a year, then a month, then
kun. We have days, months, years. For example: 17.03.1977.
Q178: In 1967, a photo studio was opened in Paris. Its customers are finding more and more
begins. This photo studio was always busy and noisy. Tell me, this is a photo studio
how was it different from the others?
A: Dogs were photographed in this photo studio.
Q179: Each of us has heard many fairy tales in our youth. The old woman,
invisible man, etc. You tell me the author of a creature with six legs, one head, two eyes and a tail.
Answer: Maine Reed ("Headless Rider").
Q180: The natives of this country call themselves Khmer. Which country is this?
Answer: Cambodia.
Q181: Write down the names of the cities: Henchen, Yanchi, Anbian, Finchjen, Yanchas… Write down what unites them.
Answer: The Great Wall of China.
Q182: That tree is considered a characteristic tree in Central Asia. Even during the years of famine, those who reached its peak survived. It was considered a misfortune to cut down a tree. How is he
Answer: Mulberry tree.
Q183: In Japanese, "be" means to sit. So how does “teribe” translate in it?
Answer: Sitting in front of the TV.
Q184: American scientists have discovered an interesting correlation while studying the process of watching television in the population. At the time of advertising, the load on one of the city utilities will increase sharply. Which utility is this?
Answer: Sewage.
Q185: The Greek philosopher Democritus once said: If anyone meets a good groom, he will have a son. If you meet a bad groom… Fill in the sentence.
Answer: You will lose your daughter as well.
Q186: It is written in Utkir Hoshimov's "Inscriptions in the Frame of the Notebook": The first is, of course, the reader. What is the latter?
Answer: Time.
Q187: This fish, which is found all over the globe, lives in ponds and lakes. Its name is derived from a Greek word meaning “polygamous”, “serurug”. It is no coincidence that the Greeks called this fish, in fact, this fish gives birth to many children. What is the name of this fish?
Answer: Carp.
Q188: Some French people make such jokes about the Chinese. The Chinese have: 3 wishes: they invented gunpowder, but not gunpowder, they invented printing, but not newspaper, they invented compost, but not…. So what did the Chinese not do?
A: They didn’t open America.
Question 189: I read on page 1912 of the "case" kept in the Kemerovo Regional Department of Internal Affairs about a boy born on November 13, 91, in the family of Mamatkhoja and Kholambibi, living in Chukur Street, Namangan: “Prisoner 1944 9 at 14:00 on March died of pulmonary tuberculosis grade 2 pellogra and heart failure in hospital 3. ” Who was that?
Answer: Osman Nasir.
Q190: His homeland is Bengal. E.av. In 327, when Alexander the Great marched on India, he called it "honey without bees." What is it?
Answer: Sugarcane.
Q191: There are many champions in the history of the Olympics in the 100-meter dash. But they are
Among them is the name of Thomas Berk, champion in 1900. He is different
unlike athletes, he was the first to use the thing and was a champion. Tell me, what is the reason for the special mention of Thomas Burke?
A: He was the first to start on his knees in running.
Q192: They are like "living cans." That is why they are being loaded on ships and taken away. What is it?
Answer: Giant turtles.

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