Do you know the names of the year?


Do you know the names of the year?

▫️1991 - "Year of Alisher Navoi"
▫️1992 - "Year of Nurses"
▫️1993 - "Year of Ahmad Yassavi"
▫️1994 - "Year of Mirzo Ulugbek"
1995️XNUMX - "Year of Abu Ali ibn Sina"
▫️1996 - "Year of Amir Temur"
▫️1997 - "Year of Human Interests"
▫️1998 - "Year of the Family"
▫️1999 - "Women's Year"
▫️2000 - "Year of the Healthy Generation"
▫️2001 - "Year of Mother and Child"
▫️2002 - "Year of Respect for the Elderly"
▫️2003 - “Year of Prosperous Neighborhood”
▫️2004 - "Year of Mercy"
▫️2005 - "Year of Health"
▫️2006 - "Year of Sponsors and Doctors"
▫️2007 - "Year of Social Protection"
▫️2008 - "Year of Youth"
▫️2009 - "Year of Rural Development and Prosperity"
▫️2010 - "Year of harmoniously developed generation"
▫️2011 - “Year of Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship”
▫️2012 - "Year of the Family"
▫️2013 - "Year of Prosperity"
▫️2014 - "Year of the Healthy Child"
▫️2015 - "Year of Respect for the Elderly"
▫️2016 - "Year of Healthy Mother and Child"
▫️2017 - "Year of dialogue with the people and human interests"
▫️2018 - "Year of Active Entrepreneurship, Support of Innovative Ideas and Technologies"
▫️2019 - "Year of Active Investment and Social Development"
▫️2020 - "Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy Development"
▫️2021 - "Year of Youth Support and Public Health"

✅ 2022 has been declared the Year of Human Dignity and Active Neighborhood

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