❓Do you know the beneficial properties of quince?


❓Do you know the beneficial properties of quince?

✍️ Doctor Zuhriddin Bahriddinov:

🔺Soothes the nerves and relieves stress.
🔺Beneficial for flu, colds and coughs. If you cut the inside, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey and eat it steamed, it will relieve cough.
🔺Eating 100 grams of quince a day prevents anemia and heart disease.
🔺Boiled quince seeds soaked in water is good for angina.
🔺In bronchial asthma, boiled quince leaves are cured.
Whisk 1 egg white and add 1 drop of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of quince juice. Oily faces can be cleaned with this mixture.
🔺Rinsing hair in boiled water with quince leaves or seeds will get rid of dandruff.

Source (https://t.me/soglomhayotuz/3330)

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