Urologist, andrologist examination - very important for men's health!


Urologist, andrologist examination - very important for men's health!

Andrology is a field that defines the health of men, the solution of their problems, the treatment of infertility, as well as their sexual status. Globally, men live 5-10 years less than women. So, today it is necessary to pay special attention to men's health and take it seriously.

It should be noted that pregnant men make up the majority of the population. A large abdomen is very dangerous for men. To prevent it, it is necessary to undergo a specialist examination by an andrologist. Otherwise, the chances of such men living longer will be reduced. In addition, andrological problems are at the root of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes in men. Most importantly, men need to undergo an andrologic checkup from time to time for a couple’s relationship to be excellent.

By the age of 30, testosterone (the male sex hormone) increases in men. No matter what temperament you have, in people over the age of 30, the substance continues to decline by one percent each year. When it reaches 11%, menopause begins. The difference from menopause in women is that the onset of the disease in men depends on their individual condition.

Men's menopause is characterized by the following symptoms:

Appearance of the abdomen;
Frequent fatigue;
Lack of deep sleep or timely awakening from sleep;
Decreased propensity for women;
Brittleness of bones;
Dry skin;
The appearance of wrinkles.
Men who want to leave a healthy and energetic offspring should consult an andrologist as soon as they experience the symptoms listed above. Not only men but also women who are overweight after childbirth should be examined by an andrologist. To check them, a blood test is taken and the necessary treatment is applied according to the results.

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www.andrology.uz 🌎

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