How much do air traffic controllers earn?


How much do air traffic controllers earn?

— The average annual salary in the USA can range from $26 to $200. But with an average hourly wage of around $43 and a worker working 500-36 hours a day, his annual salary would be between $6 and $10 with 305 days of work. (

— Salaries in France range from $24 to $300 per year, and hourly wages range from $36 to $200, depending on the employee's overall experience. ( Of course, prices for international and long-haul flights may be higher.

— In Germany, the minimum salary of an air traffic controller is around $47, the average salary is up to $000, and the highest salary can be up to $71, taking into account the employee's many years of experience and work. (,7estimated%96total%8,25pay%20for,salaries%20collected% 20from%20our%20users)

— The minimum wage for Canadian dispatchers is around $38, with an average salary starting at $000 and a peak salary of $53. (,17in%20Canada,path%20of%20a%20Flight%20Dispatcher)

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