How much does it cost to get a driver's license in Uzbekistan?


How much does it cost to get a driver's license in Uzbekistan?

— When obtaining a driver's license, a state service fee of 10 percent, i.e. 33 soums, is charged.

- Payments can also be made in the following amounts:
- 10 percent of the BHM or 33 soums for taking a theoretical exam.

– 15 percent of the BHM or 46 soums for each re-theoretical exam.

- 10 percent of BHM or 33 soums for taking an exam in practical management of motor vehicles, including vehicle composition.

- 15% of the BHM or 46 soums must be paid for each re-examination.

— After successful passing of theoretical and practical exams, the applicant will be issued with a national driver's license. To issue this certificate, a fee of 70 percent of the BHM, i.e. 231 soums is charged ( fees).

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