If you have a toothache


It is known that after tooth extraction, the tooth socket hurts overnight. In hypersensitive people, the pain can last for 3-4 days. To prevent this, you need to follow some recommendations. That is, do not do strenuous physical work for 2-3 days after brushing, beware of bending movements, do not lift heavy loads, and do not engage in physical activity. On the first day, do not brush your teeth, and after each meal, rinse your mouth with a little salt or baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of boiled water) in clean water at room temperature.
The mouth should be rinsed very carefully to prevent the blood clot from forming at the site of tooth extraction, as the blood clot will heal quickly. Do not brush your teeth around the tooth extraction site for two to three days. For several days, do not chew food with the side of your teeth and do not eat very hot foods. You can also wrap ice in a napkin around your cheeks to reduce pain.
In fact, no matter how severe the pain, you should not rush to brush your teeth. This is because the teeth and jaw are involved in breathing, providing oxygen to the body, and pronouncing words beautifully. When the integrity of the dentition is compromised for a variety of reasons, the function and anatomical structure of the teeth and jaws change. For example, if one or two teeth in the jaw have fallen out or have been pulled out in pain, this is considered a defect. This is because the teeth then move to the toothless side of the jaw. As a result, the function of the teeth and jaws is impaired, and food is not chewed well. Ingestion without good chewing can lead to gastritis and gastritis.
When most of the teeth fall out, the jawbones become smaller. The facial muscles, especially the masticatory muscles, contract, as a result of which the chin is pushed forward and upward, sinks into the cheek, and the lower part of the face is shortened and distorted. In addition, when teeth fall out completely, a person can develop various diseases. Especially when children lose their teeth, their faces droop, their upper lip shrinks, and their speech becomes slurred. If this situation continues for a long time, the child will become poor and humane. In addition, it is difficult not to chew well, there is a disease of the stomach, jaw muscles are not developed properly.
Most people get a denture after they have their teeth removed. It should be noted that in the first days of implant placement, a person may experience nausea, shortness of breath, excessive salivation in the mouth, exposure to heat and cold, difficulty in cutting and chewing. The advice is to keep the prosthesis in your mouth for a week or two to get used to it. If it hurts, see a doctor right away. If you have a non-removable denture, brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.
Removable dentures initially cause pain in some parts of the cheek, and the lips and jaw become tired quickly. The food doesn’t chew well either. At this time, reading the book aloud, moving the lips and tongue, and speaking loudly make it easier to learn the prosthesis. Prostheses should be cleaned as well as teeth care. It is better to take them out of the mouth at night and sleep, otherwise it will irritate the mucous membranes and jaws. The prostheses should be removed from the mouth, rinsed with water and rinsed after each meal. Generally, dentures should be removed from the mouth, washed at night with a toothbrush or cleaned with toothpaste, and then placed in a sealed container.
Zaynab VALIEVA, dentist, pedagogue.

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