The Republic of Iraq


The official name is the Republic of Iraq (Al-Jumhuriya al-Iraqiya). The capital is Baghdad. Area - 435,1 thousand km.kv. Its population is over 28,2 million (2012). The official language is Arabic. Religion - Islam (95%), Christians (3%). The currency is the Iraqi dinar.
Geographical location and nature. Iraq is a country in southwestern Asia. It is bordered by Turkey to the north, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to the south, Jordan and Syria to the west, and Iran to the east. The southern coast of the country is bordered by the Persian Gulf. The northern part of the country, Al-Jazra, is located in the Armenian mountains and in areas bordering Turkey. The highest point of this area is 2135 m. Between the Tigris and Frot rivers lies a wide valley. On the west side of the Frot, the valley is connected to the Syrian deserts.
Climate-continental. In the central part of the country, palm and poplar trees grow. Much of Iraq is occupied by plains that run through deserts and deserts. In mountainous areas there are coniferous shrubs. Iraqi fauna.

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