Eggshell is rich in calcium


1 egg shell contains about 2 grams of calcium. It is essential for the bone, teeth, nervous and muscular system. To bring the shell to a consumable state, it goes through several stages.
The egg shell is boiled for 10 minutes to remove harmful bacteria. It is then placed in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When ready, grind the crust until it forms a powder. Such powders are rich in a source of calcium. Half a teaspoon of the powder can be consumed by adding it to water or adding it into the dough when cooking.
But keep in mind that the more dangerous calcium deficiency is for the body, the more dangerous it is to exceed its norm.
The average daily calcium intake of an adult is 1 gram.
Khurshida HUSENOVA

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