📍Learn how to eat properly in Ramadan


📍Learn how to eat properly in Ramadan

🟣 Daily water consumption is 2 liters per person. Try to drink this water from iftar to breakfast. At iftar, add honey to a bowl of water and eat it.

🔴 It is better to try not to eat fizzy drinks, canned food, hard fried foods, spicy and salty products and pastries such as ladies during breakfast.

🟡 Breakfast should consist of foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. It is known that meat products are digested in 16 hours.

🔵 Boiled eggs and dairy products have the property of keeping the stomach full. That is why some people prefer to eat sour cream in the morning.

🟢 Dates give energy to the body, because the fruit is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, potassium and magnesium.

If Doctor Zuhriddin Bahriddinov:

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