What is the average price of Nike brand sneakers in different countries?


What is the average price of Nike brand sneakers in different countries?

— The most expensive prices: (top-5)
1. Switzerland – $135,89
2. Australia - $128,13
3. Armenia – $121,23
4. Iran - $120,57
5. Georgia - $118,07

— Uzbekistan ranks 21st in terms of the value of sneakers of this model, and its price is $98,72.

— The best prices (top-5)
93. Libya - $45,74
94. India - $45,56
95. Nigeria - $41,80
96. Bangladesh -39,92
97. Kenya - $35,63

— The Nike brand is in the 84th place in the United States, with the price of a sneaker of this model being $54. (https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/prices_by_country.jsp?displayCurrency=USD&itemId=64)

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