How much does lavash cost in Uzbekistan?


How much does lavash cost in Uzbekistan?

The dish, popularly known as lavash, but in fact in many places called shawarma, originated among the peoples of Central Asia. In fact, the name of the dough used for it is called lavash.

- Have you ever thought about the cost of this dish, which costs 19-23 thousand soums?

Its cost in terms of products:
- Meat - 4500 soums
- Sauce - 2500 soums
- Vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions) - 2000 soums
- Dough - 1000 soums
- Cook, taxes and other expenses (average for 1 lavash) - 3000 soums

This means that the average cost of a single lavash is about 13 soums. That price could be even lower!

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