About Arabic dates


About Arabic dates
Arabic dates are very rich in minerals and vitamins. Its 23 essential amino acids are not found in other fruits. Eating Arabic dates regularly, at least 3-4 times a day, has been proven to cure many ailments.
Eating 3-4 times a day from this fruit will rejuvenate your body. This fruit improves digestion, normalizes blood circulation in the heart. Lowers cholesterol. Arabic dates reduce appetite. It replaces white sugar, helps to lose weight. It is rich in iron, 100 grams of which retains 11% of the daily norm of iron in the human body.
It is also of great benefit in anemia. Rich in potassium. Dates reduce the risk of stroke by 40 percent. It is rich in phosphorus and calcium. This is very beneficial for brain and intestinal function. This fruit is a remedy for constipation. In this case, 2-3 fruits are eaten with a bowl of boiling water before going to bed at night.
In impotence, dates are cured if eaten with goat's milk. It lowers high blood pressure.
5-6 dates contain 80 mg of magnesium and this dilates blood vessels. Studies show that 370 mg of magnesium is the daily norm for a human. This amount keeps blood pressure in check. Dates prevent aging. It is also beneficial after childbirth, it increases milk production.
Apples are high in copper and zinc, while dates are high in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Dates serve to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, skin and genitals.
Dates inhibit the growth of age-related tumors, such as squash, apricots, and other yellow-yellow fruits and vegetables. Dates contain high levels of beta-carotene, a very powerful antioxidant. It fights free radicals that disrupt cell structures.
100 grams of product contains 305 kcal (kilocalories), the protein content is 2,2 g. yog '0,2 gr. carbohydrates is 71,9 g.
Dates are the only type of fruit that contains 60-65 percent carbohydrates. The fluoride richness of the product protects teeth from caries and selenium prevents the risk of heart disease. The fruit contains 23 types of amino acids, as well as pectin, provitamin A, B vitamins. It also contains trace elements and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, aluminum, sodium, cobalt, cadmium, barium. One of the most beneficial properties of dates is that it does not contain cholesterol.
It has the property of developing mental ability and increasing the speed of work. When this fruit is consumed, it affects not only the internal organism of a person, but also its external beauty. Due to its richness in folic acid and vitamin E, it strengthens hair roots, prevents brittle nails and restores lost potassium in the body. This fruit is recommended in diseases associated with cardiovascular disease, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, arrhythmias, hypertension (high blood pressure).
The freshly cut variety of Arabic date (also called Iranian date in some sources) is distinguished by its smoothness, free from any layers. Its fruit will be juicy, but dried dates will not be sweet.
One of the fruits that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved was the date. It helps the human body to ensure the smooth release of insulin in the pancreas and thus contributes to the increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. It also relieves pain in pregnant women. This quality is expressed in Surah Maryam (verses 23, 24, 25) as follows.
"The pain of childbirth took her to the bottom of a palm tree, and she said, 'Oh, I wish I had died before this and was completely forgotten.' Then he cried out from beneath (the palm tree): "Do not grieve, your Lord has made a stream flow beneath you." "Shake the withered palm branch, so that it may pour forth fresh dates for you."
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