What is ID, UID? More about IDs


What is ID, UID? More about IDs 🆔🤔
Starting today, the IT lessons section on @itspecuz will begin its work. And we start with the most basic, trying not to forget to prepare the lesson in a simple and fun way.
In this article, we will focus on the topic of identifiers: (ID, UID). These abbreviations are common in information security.
What is an ID?
ID (pronounced "ay-di") is a part of the English word "identifier", which translates as "identifier".
An ID or Identifier is information that allows you to identify a subject (simply put, it is a number or name: a number or character string).
Each time you register somewhere, you will be given an identifier, i.e. a name or number. Within each individual system, however, your identifier will be unique (unique, unrepeatable).
Examples of identifiers (id):
- Name (Abdulla Rustamov)
- Nick (AbdullaR)
- Phone number (+998 97 123-45-67)
- Passport number (AA1234567)
- Bank card number (1234-5678-9012-3456)
- Vehicle number (A123AC)
- Phone IMEI number
- Product barcode
- E-mail (sample@gmail.com)
- Channel address (https://t.me/itspecuz)
- Personal page number on Facebook
When we meet a person, we first ask for his name, and in order to contact him, we ask him to share his phone number or E-mail (here car number, passport number, bank card number, barcode- code, etc.)
What is UID?
Often the word "UID" is used, where the letter "U" is added before the "ID", in an extended form it becomes "unique" or "user".
There are two types of UID abbreviations:
UID (Unique identifier) ​​- a unique identifier.
UID (User identifier) ​​is the user's identifier on the operating system or site.
It’s all simple: some identifiers are unique, meaning they can only belong to one subject (the name may match, but the passport number is always different).
Examples of using a UID:
- unique identifiers are used as unique identifier of the order on railway tickets
- Individual series and numbers are used in monthly travel tickets for public transport in Tashkent
- UID is used in 1S programs - Link ID type
- Unique payment identifier (UTI) is used in payment documents of government agencies (for example, UTI12345678901234567890 ///)
- UNIX-type operating systems separate users using a number called UID
- Some sites also use the abbreviation UID because this identifier belongs to a specific user
ID in terms of information security
Typically, an identifier (id) is not considered confidential, so it is not possible to allow access to a resource based solely on it (for example, knowing an email address does not give you access to mail in a mailbox).
Identification is the first step in using information resources (mail, social network account, etc.), the next step is the process of authentication and authorization, but we will talk about this in our next article.

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