About Fortecarnit


It is recommended that children and adults take Fortecarnit as an additional source of 1_ -carnitine if an energy supply is required in the following cases:


- Consequences of birth trauma and asphyxia of newborns;

- Malnutrition and hypotension of newborns;

- Difficulty breathing syndrome in newborns;

- parenteral feeding of premature infants and breastfeeding of hemodialysis infants;

- Low weight in children and adolescents under 16 years;

Cardiology and neurology

- anemia that does not respond to treatment or requires high doses of erythropoietin;

- cardiomyopathy;

- Disorders of myocardial metabolism on the background of ischemic heart disease;

- chronic heart failure;

- acute and chronic cerebrovascular injury;

Urology and gynecology

- Improving spermogram indices in the treatment of infertility in men;

- for the treatment of female infertility;


- dysmetabolic nephropathy;

- polycystic;

- Hematuric form of glomerulonephritis;


- obesity;

- stunted growth of children and adolescents;

- type 1 diabetes;


- fatty hepatosis;

- chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;


- Improving digestion in gastritis and pancreatitis;

Allergic diseases

- atopic dermatitis;

Preventive medicine

- Accelerate the transport of oxygen to brain cells to stimulate mental activity;

- increase the ability to concentrate, improve memory;

- increase physical activity;

- Stimulation of energy processes in muscle tissue and vital organs in order to increase efficiency.

Form and composition of the release

Dosage form of release: suspension for oral administration.


active substance: carnitine tartrate - 2 ml in 10 ml of syrup.

Excipients - malic acid, sodium benzoate, sladin, food flavor, purified water.

pharmacological effect

Fortecarnit helps many systems in the human body to function properly. Fortecarnit has anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid effects, as well as stimulates tissue regenerative activity, improves appetite and activates fat metabolism.

Ensuring the conception of the fetus and its subsequent development and growth. b-carnitine enters the egg along with the sperm, and its presence stimulates genetic processes of b-carnitine synthesis by the embryo. b-carnitine is actively involved in the formation and further development of the autonomic nervous system, the spinal cord and brain of the unborn baby.

Cardiovascular protection. Fortecarnit helps lower the level of “harmful” cholesterol in the blood and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries. Numerous studies have proven that taking this food supplement can help improve the condition of the heart muscle and increase its endurance.

Acceleration of fat burning. b-carnitine transports fatty acids to cells and stimulates energy production from them. With additional intake of fortecarnit, the process of fat tissue destruction can be significantly accelerated.

Removal of biogenic “slag” from the body. During the oxidation of fats and xenobiotics, accumulation of toxins formed in the mitochondria occurs. Fortecarnit helps to eliminate them and therefore it is actively used to eliminate alcohol or drug intoxication.

Increased stress resistance. In clinical studies, Fortecarnit increases stress tolerance, reduces feelings of depression, reduces neuropathic pain, and protects nerve tissue from the adverse effects of amphetamines, glutamate, and ammonia.

Enhance brain and physical activity. Clinical studies have shown that taking 2 g of b-carnitine for six months leads to a significant increase in brain and physical activity.

Anabolic functions. Fortecarnit not only helps to lose extra pounds quickly, but also contributes to faster muscle accumulation. This feature is due to the fact that it stimulates the renewal and formation of new muscle fibers.

Intense physical activity almost always leads to a lack of b-carnitine in the body, so this supplement is often used by athletes who do aerobic or anaerobic sports. The need for this drug increases when it is necessary to increase endurance with intensive and frequent training (for example, in preparation for the competition).

Improving visual acuity and eye function. Fortecarnit improves visual acuity and stops cataract development by 40%. This vitamin-like substance is explained by the slowing down of the processes of degenerative changes in the vessels of the retina.

Improving pregnancy. Prophylactic treatment of male infertility and general impotence with Fortecarnit reduces the probability of such an event by 47% during the entire period of childbirth (sexual activity). According to many researchers, periodic prophylactic use of Fortecarnite for 5-15 years, courses of 1-2 months per year, significantly delays the onset of age-related sexual weakness and impotence.

The study reliably determined the effect of [.-Carnitine on qualitative and quantitative indicators of spermogram in men with pathozoospermia. After 3 months of use of Fortecarnit, the proportion of sperm with translational action (A + B) increased more than 2-fold, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate increased 2,3-fold, and the proportion of morphologically normal forms of sperm increased more than 2-fold.

It should be noted that Fortecarnit has a beneficial effect on the female genitourinary system: it helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, serves as an important prophylactic factor in the corrosion of the ovarian corpus luteum and uterus, as well as vaginal mucosa.

Dosage mode

Adults drink 1 ml of syrup (2 gram of b-carnitine) 5-1 times a day. Course - 4-6 weeks, if necessary - repeat the course.


-1 to 6 years, 2-3 drops 10-16 times a day

, -6 to 12 years, 1 ml 2-3 times a day for 1,25 month.

After opening the bottle, use the syrup for 30 days.


Personal sensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, taking the drug is not recommended.

It is always best to discuss the possibility of taking b-carnitine with your doctor. Self-medication with this drug should be avoided in the following diseases:

- diabetes mellitus;

- hypertensive disease;

- cirrhosis of the liver;

- Peripheral vascular disease;

- kidney disease.

During pregnancy and lactation

Not recommended for pregnant women.

Use in children

Not recommended for children under one year of age.

Drug interactions

Anabolic drugs and lipoic acid, when used together, enhance the therapeutic effect of levocarnitine.

Glucocorticosteroids help b-carnitine to accumulate in body tissues (except liver tissue).

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.