About polyginax virgo


About polyginax virgo

Polygynax virgo

📜 Basic information about the drug.
1 capsule contains: active ingredients: neomycin judge 35000 XB, polymyxin V judge 35000 XB, nystatin 100000 XB;

Excipients: hydrogenated soybean oil, dimethicone 1000, tefoz 63®: palmitic acid esters and stearic acid esters; capsule shell composition: gelatin, glycerol, dimethicone 1000, purified water.

📝 Trade name of the drug:
Polyginax Virgo

🧬 Pharmacological group:
complex antibiotic (antibiotics: aminoglycoside + polyene + cyclic polypeptide).

💊 Dosage form:
in engine capsules for delivery into the vagina.

🧪 Tariff:
soft capsules with a sharp tip, oval in shape, from light yellow to light brown.

Capsule composition: oily engine from light yellow to light brown.

👨‍⚕ Application:
For treatment.
used in nonspecific, fungal, mixed vaginitis, vulvovginitis and cervicovaginitis.

To prevent.
before surgical intervention in the genital area; before uterine internal diagnostic treatment.

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