About the meaning of SOHC and DOHC


As promised today we will talk about the meaning of SOHC and DOHC
If you voted for "raspredelitelnyy val", you found it right. Engine configurations are another topic and we'll get to that later. Informal colloquial terms for the volume of a cylinder were not a realistic option at all.

Thus, the Val is the part that moves on the cylinders and regulates the opening and closing of the air passages and exhaust valves, which in turn rotates through the belt (belt GRM) connecting all the rotating mechanisms of the machine.

SOHC — single overhead camshaft. That is, the only upper shaft
DOHC — double overhead camshaft. double top shaft

Most people have seen the DOHC symbol on Nexes, and it is this symbol that indicates that this car has two overhead camshafts. Here's what it's best to say:
Firstly, DOHC has a relatively complex structure and many rotating parts, which makes the engine appear larger, and secondly, it has a high RPM (revolutions per minute) torque, which means that this configuration produces a large amount of torque and horsepower. , you can see it when the car's tachometer reading rises quickly. This is of course due to the relatively effective control and volumetric efficiency of the air valves.

Posts are getting too long. For now, we will limit ourselves to what makes DOHC better. But there are still many aspects of both configurations that have not been mentioned.

The figure shows SOHC, DOHC and RPM (revolutions per minute). The meaning of x1000 in RPM is actually the number displayed multiplied by 1000 ie 2000,3000,4000 etc. The crankshaft of the engine rotates so many times per minute, and do not confuse it with the "distributing shaft" )


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