Estimated value of historical monuments:


Estimated value of historical monuments:

1.🇨🇳 The Great Wall of China: 360 billion dollars
2.🇪🇬 Great Pyramid of Giza: 5 billion dollars
3.🕌 Taj Mahal: 1 billion dollars
4. 🏛️Acropolis and Parthenon: 500 million dollars
5. Statue of Liberty: 230 million dollars
6. 🗼 Eiffel Tower: $180 million
7. 🏟️ Colosseum: 120 million dollars
8. 🏞️ Machu Picchu: 100 million dollars
9. 🦁 Sphinx: $70 million
10. 🧙‍♂️ Stonehenge: $50 million

These costs are only estimates of what great monuments might actually cost. For recent structures such as the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, the cost is much easier to calculate. But different factors are taken into account for ancient monuments. These factors include the size and scope of the project, the number of workers and years of work required, resource availability and transportation costs, geographic location, and cultural significance.

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