Is it possible to make money on Instagram?


Is it possible to make money on Instagram?
(Lesson 1)

There are 2 different ways to make money on Instagram in total. They are:
• Advertising
• Give away

- Making money through advertising is also divided into several types. Today we are going to talk to you about making money by advertising through stories.

History Advertising:
• In doing so, you earn a certain amount of money from a particular company by placing ads for a few hours or 1 day.
• Virtually any type of business can be advertised, but Instagram usually advertises a variety of newly opened clothing stores, cafes, restaurants, and so on.

Ps Profiles, whose history is usually viewed by up to 10 people, earn from 000 to 100 soums per ad. Don't tell anyone again :)

Is it possible to make money on Instagram?
(Lesson 2)

- Last lesson we talked to you about History Advertising. In this lesson, we will talk about the first stage of making money on Instagram, which is the 2nd stage of the Advertising phase.

Post (Ribbon) advertising:
• Instagram is the most lucrative type of advertising. This, in turn, is divided into several types.
• Tape ads are placed on the profile by well-known bloggers and it is popular among the fans of these bloggers to buy this brand or place.
• Nowadays, vinegar makes “normal” money, especially through tape advertising, and this product is skillfully placed inside the vine video.

Ps Now that you have an average of 100 followers, the cost of ribbon advertising on your profile starts at $ 000. ☺️ Mazzami silaga, mazzami?

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