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Treatment of breast fissure

⚡️ Breast cracking during breastfeeding is the most painful problem of young mothers! Mothers who are blessed with the happiness of motherhood may face the first problems before they can fully feel this happiness. 🙆 The most common of these is cracked nipples in mothers. 🤦 Today's topic is about this. 💁 The reason for cracked breasts is improper feeding of the baby. It also includes frequent washing of the breast, liquids containing alcohol [...]

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During breastfeeding, my breasts became different

During breastfeeding, my breasts became different. It is natural for a woman's breasts to increase in size during breastfeeding. Breasts are regularly filled with milk to meet the needs of the child. After a few months, sometimes the two breasts may be different in size. The reason for this is: 1. The child is used to breastfeeding only one breast; 2. Because it is convenient for the mother

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Treatment of scabies

Causes, treatment and prevention of vaginal itching Vaginal itching (sometimes it may also cause clots) is the result of infectious or non-infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina (vaginitis), often accompanied by inflammation of the vulva (vulvovaginitis). Symptoms may also include itching, burning, redness, and sometimes dysuria and dyspareunia. Symptoms of vaginitis are the most common part of gynecological complaints.

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28-week fetus

With our pregnancy week guide, you can find out what to expect at 28 weeks pregnant. 28th week of pregnancy This is the beginning of the third trimester. Some women can easily do everything now if they want to. From 28-36 weeks of pregnancy, prenatal medical examinations can be every 2-3 weeks. Work You start thinking about when to stop working during pregnancy. Many women are more than 34-36 weeks

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About breast milk and breastfeeding

About breast milk and breastfeeding The most important food for a baby is breast milk. Mother's milk is a food that ensures the child's healthy, disease-free, rapid and defect-free development. Breast milk contains a lot of protein (albumin, globulin), fat, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, C, D, E, B1, B12, B6) and antibodies that protect the child from diseases. Some of our women are different

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The simplest secret to getting pregnant faster!

During a certain period of a woman's menstrual cycle, the ripening of egg cells from the ovary, settling in the fallopian tubes and being ready for fertilization is called ovulation. Knowing ovulation is important for a woman. Because after sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation and a few days before and after it, a woman (if there are no other factors - for example, sexually transmitted diseases, additional abstinence)

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Reasons why the child does not breastfeed

It is no exaggeration to say that the baby's refusal to breastfeed is the biggest problem that torments the mother. There is always a reason why the child refuses the breast, knowing this reason leads to the solution of the problem. Practical help when a child refuses to breastfeed. 1. Is the child really refusing breast milk? Some babies begin to suckle their mother less over time. Some are only one sided

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Ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy

In order to give birth to a healthy offspring and to strengthen the mother's body, it is necessary to observe the period between children. There are several ways to prevent pregnancy. Which one to choose depends on the woman's health and desire. Today I will tell you about them. 💏BREASTFEEDING. In the previous thread, I came across opinions that breastfeeding prevents pregnancy. This is true in a way. Only your child

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Causes of reduced breast milk

Causes of low breast milk There are many tips on what to do when there is not enough breast milk. Sometimes a simple answer to a question becomes a solution to a problem. The question is: Do you have time to breastfeed? Of course there is, many say. You have time for the baby to feed, but don't think of breastfeeding as feeding the baby. A child's sucking is not only feeding, but also a child's feeding on its mother's lap.

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