Treatment of breast fissure


⚡️ Breast cracking during breastfeeding is the most painful problem of young mothers!

Mothers who are blessed with the happiness of motherhood may face the first problems before they can fully feel this happiness. 🙆 The most common of these is cracked nipples in mothers. 🤦Today's topic is about this.💁

Breast cracking is caused by incorrect feeding of the baby. This can also be caused by frequent washing of the breast, rapid wiping of the breast with alcohol-containing liquids for the purpose of disinfection, which dries out the nipples.
The earlier the breast cancer is treated, the better it is for both the mother and the child. Don't delay the treatment if the breast cracks!🙅
☝️ First of all, this problem is getting bigger day by day. ✌️Secondly, breastfeeding has become a real pain for the mother, which can come to the point of giving up breastfeeding.
👉Thirdly, if the mother's immunity is low, there is a risk of easy infection to the mother through a cracked breast.

Breast rupture does not happen suddenly. Previously, the mother had unpleasant feelings when she held the breast to the child. Then this feeling turns into a thief. If the mother continues to breastfeed after this, the pain will lead to nipple cracking.
💁Pulling the breast away from the mouth of the sucking child also causes cracks. The child spends a lot of effort to suck. While sucking, the child tightly squeezes the mother's breasts with her teeth and lips. and pulling the nipple out of the mouth causes damage to the skin of the breast.

💁 So the main causes of cracked nipples are:
👉 incorrectly holding the breast to the child (the main reason);
👉 washing the breast quickly;
👉 Pulling the breast from a nursing child.
If these things are not allowed, you will not be bothered by cracked breasts

Before treating breast cracks, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that causes it and prevent cracks.🙅

✔️ If the cracked nipple is caused by improper breastfeeding, it is necessary to learn to hold the breast correctly. In this case, the child should open his mouth wide and completely put the areola, the dark circle around the nipple, into his mouth.
✔️The nipples should not be close to the child's gums, but should be on the back palate. Then the nipples will not be damaged.
✔️ If you feel discomfort due to sore nipples during breastfeeding, change your breastfeeding position.
✔️Something happens while the baby is sucking, and if you try to take the baby from your breast, the baby gets angry and starts sucking more and faster.
Sound familiar? in such a case, do not pull your chest at all🙅🏻‍♀️. Put your pacifier between the baby's lips and gently press the lower gums. Then the child will let go of your breast.

💁🏻‍♀️ Now about how to treat cracks

After breastfeeding, wipe the areolas with your own milk and let it dry. A drop of breast milk is a natural antiseptic containing thousands of living cells.

🙅Do not wash your chest too quickly. Soap and water will dry out the breasts. Do not use scented cosmetic oils. Sharp smells frighten the child. May refuse to suckle.

💁🏻‍♀️You can rub olive oil on the cracks. AEvit capsule oil also works well. Apply creams containing lanolin if you can find them. These creams are safe for children. If the cracks grow, it is necessary to consult a specialist and take treatment measures. But even then, do not refuse to hold the breast to the child. If pain bothers you while breastfeeding, find another position and continue breastfeeding. If the specialist prohibits breastfeeding during treatment, continue to breastfeed. Do not let the milk curdle. If you pump quickly, you can easily continue breastfeeding on this breast after the cracks are over.
Many women at this time do not hold the baby with a cracked breast to avoid pain. The breast on the non-nursing side is not milked, as a result of which the milk supply decreases. Until the breast heals, milk will not come into this breast at all. As a result, the child is breastfed with only one breast during the entire breastfeeding period. This condition causes the breasts to look double.

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