The main cause of stomatitis is an infection: viral, bacterial or fungal. But spontaneous viruses and bacteria are not terrible for the organism, the disease develops only under certain conditions:

▪️Muscle damage: biting the inside of the cheek, burns, damage to solid food, etc. A small wound is sufficient for the development of infection for the disease to develop;
▪️Failure to follow oral hygiene;
▪️B vitamins, zinc, folic acid, iron deficiency;
▪️smoking: causes an imbalance of the oral microflora and a constant negative effect of hot smoke on the mucous membranes, which over time can lead to a condition called “smoking stomatitis”;
▪️Decreased salivation: occurs against the background of taking certain medications, dehydration, stress and a number of diseases;
▪️Proper use of toothpaste and frequent brushing of teeth
improperly fitted prostheses or their poor quality;
▪️ Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, menopause, adolescence.

❓Can stomatitis be treated at home?

✔️Rinse your mouth with a soda solution. This tincture is prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 cup of warm water.

✔️Pour 15-20 grams of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiled water and boil for a while. When warm, rinse mouth.

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