Blue dumplings


To make the dumplings, add one egg and knead a harder dough. Medium-sized zucchini are made and wrapped for 15 minutes to rest. The dough is then made into smaller pieces of walnuts and spread thinly in a small bowl the size of a bowl using a fork. Then they are made into bags by gluing them on both sides one by one using nomakob (salt water).
Cost: the freshly cut quail is boiled in water, cooled, and passed through a meat grinder. Then add 5-6 eggs, 5-6 tablespoons of water, as much oil (salad oil or butter), salt and pepper to taste.
Pour the minced meat into the crescent-shaped dough bags one by one using a spoon, seal the mouth of the bag and put it in boiling salted water. In 4-5 minutes, bring the dumplings (barracks) on the surface of the boiling pot to the bowls, cover them with yogurt, sour cream or butter and serve.

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