How many Muslims are in the countries of the world?


Did you know that? How many Muslims are in the countries of the world?

1. Afghanistan 100%
2. Albania 75%
3. Algeria 99%
4. Angola 25%

5. Argentina 2%
6. Australia 2.09%
7. Azerbaijan 93%
8. Bahrain 100%
9. Bangladesh 85%
10. Bhutan 5%
11. Brazil 0,6%
12. Burma 10%
13. Canada 1.48%
14. Central African Republic 55%
15. China 11%
16. Egypt 94%
17. Ethiopia 65%
18. Fiji 11%
19. France 7%
20. Georgia 11%
21. Germeny 3.4%
22. Greece 1.5%
23. Guinea 95%
24. Guyana 15%
25. Hong Kong 1%
26. V Indii 14%
27. Indonesia 95%
28. Iran 99%
29. Iraq 97%
30. Israel-14%
31. Italy 1%
32. Japan 1%
33. Jordan 95%
34. Kenya 30%
35. Kuwait 89%
36. Lebanon 70%
37. Libya 100%
38. Maldives 100%
39. Malaysia 52%
40. Mauritius 19.5%
41. Mayotte 99%
42. Nigeria 75%
43. Oman 100%
44. Pakistan 97%
45. Filippiny 14%
46. ​​Qatar 100%
47. Romania 20%
48. Russia 18%
49. Saudi Arabia 100%
50. Singapore 17%
51. Somalia 100%
52. Sri Lanka 9%
53. 85% of water
54. Syria 90%
55. Tajikistan 85%
56. Tanzania 65%
57. Thailand 14%
58. Tunisia 98%
59. 99,8% in Turkey
60. OAE 96%
61. Great Britain 2.5%
62. SShA 3.75%
63. Uzbekistan 88%

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