How much money will be given to Nobel Prize winners?


How much money are given to Nobel Prize winners and where do they get that money from?

In 2020, Nobel laureates will receive a cash prize of $ 1.12 million. This award is presented annually in 6 directions.

On what basis will the prize money be formed for the winners?
According to the Nobel will, the Nobel Foundation was established in 1900. Nobel's fortune of 31.6 million Swedish kronor (currently $ 165 million) will go to the fund.

If this money had been distributed directly to the winners, the Nobel Foundation would have already gone bankrupt.

In fact, the Foundation’s mission is to multiply the money left by Alfred Nobel on the basis of trading in the stock market and distribute the proceeds among the winners each year.
The higher the fund’s income, the more prizes the winners will receive that year.

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